Terrain path planning
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Wenli Li.
Fast path planning under polygonal obstacle constraints.
In 4th GIS-focused algorithm competition, GISCUP 2015, co-located with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS. Bellevue WA USA, 4 Nov 2015.
Winner (2nd place).
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- Daniel M. Tracy, W. Randolph Franklin, Barbara Cutler, Franklin T. Luk, Marcus Andrade, and Jared Stookey.
Path planning on a compressed terrain.
In Walid G. Aref and others, editors, 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008). Irvine CA, 5–7 Nov 2008.
(poster and fast forward presentation).
URL: http://acmgis08.cs.umn.edu/.
[details] [full text] [slides] [poster] [BibTeX▼] - Daniel M. Tracy, W Randolph Franklin, Barb Cutler, Franklin Luk, Marcus Andrade, and Jared Stookey.
Path planning on complex terrain.
In 18th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry (FWCG 2008). Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY USA, 31 Oct – 1 Nov 2008.
(extended abstract, talk and poster).
[details] [full text] [slides] [poster] [BibTeX▼] - W. Randolph Franklin, Daniel M. Tracy, Marcus Andrade, Jonathan Muckell, Metin Inanc, Zhongyi Xie, and Barbara Cutler.
Slope accuracy and path planning on compressed terrain.
In Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Montpellier FR, June 2008.
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- W Randolph Franklin, Metin Inanc, Zhongyi Xie, Daniel M. Tracy, Barbara Cutler, Marcus V A Andrade, and Franklin Luk.
Smugglers and border guards – the GeoStar project at RPI.
In 15th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2007). Seattle, WA, USA, Nov 2007.
[abstract▼] [details] [full text] [slides] [BibTeX▼] - Daniel M. Tracy, W. Randolph Franklin, Barbara Cutler, Marcus A Andrade, Franklin T Luk, Metin Inanc, and Zhongyi Xie.
Multiple observer siting and path planning on lossily compressed terrain.
In Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6697 Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XVII. San Diego CA, 27 August 2007. International Society for Optical Engineering.
paper 6697-16.
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- W. Randolph Franklin.
Smugglers' path planning on compressed terrain.
talk at UniGIS conference, May 2006.
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- Wm Randolph Franklin and V. Akman.
A workbench to compute unobstructed shortest paths in three-space.
In Proc. 1st Internat. Conf. Indust. Applied Math., 1–38. Paris, France, 1987.
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- Varol Akman and W. Randolph Franklin.
Locus techniques for shortest path problems in robotics.
In IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYSROCO'85).
Barcelona, 1986.
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- Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman.
Shortest paths in 3-space, Voronoi diagrams with barriers, and related complexity and algebraic issues.
In Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics, volume 17 of NATO ASI Series F, pages 895–917.
Springer-Verlag, Ilkley, Yorkshire, England, 30 March – 12 April 1985.
[details] [full text] [BibTeX▼] - Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman.
Shortest paths in 3-space, Voronoi diagrams with barriers, and related complexity and algebraic issues.
In L. Basañez, Gabriel A. Ferraté, and George N. Saridis, editors, Robot Control (SYROCO '85): Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Symposium, volume 1, pages 271–275.
International Federation of Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain, 6–8 November 1985.
[details] [BibTeX▼] - Wm Randolph Franklin, Varol Akman, and Colin Verrilli.
Voronoi diagrams with barriers and on polyhedra for minimal path planning.
Visual Comput., 1(2):133–150, October 1985.
[details] [full text] [BibTeX▼] - Varol Akman and W. Randolph Franklin.
Partitioning the space to calculate shortest paths to any goal around polyhedral obstacles.
In Proceedings of ROBEXS'85, the First Annual Workshop on Robotics and Expert Systems. NASA/Johnson Space Center, 27–28 June 1985.
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- Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman.
Shortest paths between source and goal points located on/around a convex polyhedron.
In 22nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Urbana, Illinois, USA, 3–5 October 1984.
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Contact: WRF