Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman.
Shortest paths in 3-space, Voronoi diagrams with barriers, and related complexity and algebraic issues.
In L. Basañez, Gabriel A. Ferraté, and George N. Saridis, editors, Robot Control (SYROCO '85): Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Symposium, volume 1, pages 271–275.
International Federation of Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain, 6–8 November 1985.
author = "Franklin, Wm Randolph and Akman, Varol",
editor = "Basañez, L. and Ferraté, Gabriel A. and Saridis, George N.",
title = "Shortest Paths in 3-Space, {V}oronoi Diagrams with Barriers, and Related Complexity and Algebraic Issues",
booktitle = "Robot Control ({SYROCO} '85): Proceedings of the 1st {IFAC} Symposium",
address = "Barcelona, Spain",
month = "6--8 November",
year = "1985",
volume = "1",
publisher = "International Federation of Automatic Control",
isbn = "0080334466, 9780080334462",
pages = "271--275",
xfulltext = "https://wrfranklin.org/p/31-nato85-shortest.pdf",
xhref = "\bibhref{31-nato85-shortest}",
mykey = "akman pathplan",
keywords = "motion planning"