Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman.
Shortest paths between source and goal points located on/around a convex polyhedron.
In 22nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Urbana, Illinois, USA, 3–5 October 1984.
[full text]
author = "Franklin, Wm Randolph and Akman, Varol",
title = "Shortest Paths Between Source and Goal Points Located On/Around a Convex Polyhedron",
booktitle = "22nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing",
month = "3--5 October",
year = "1984",
address = "Urbana, Illinois, USA",
href = "\bibhref{26-allerton84-shortest}",
mykey = "akman pathplan",
keywords = "motion planning"
Full Text