Paper and Talk Awards
Winner (1st place), GISCUP 2018:
- Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, W. Randolph Franklin, and Ricardo dos Santos Ferreira.
Fast analysis of upstream features on spatial networks (GIS Cup).
In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, SIGSPATIAL '18, 622–625. New York, NY, USA, 2018. ACM.
Winner (1st place).
[abstract▼] [details] [full text] [slides] [BibTeX▼]
- Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, W. Randolph Franklin, and Ricardo dos Santos Ferreira.
Fast analysis of upstream features on spatial networks (GIS Cup).
In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, SIGSPATIAL '18, 622–625. New York, NY, USA, 2018. ACM.
Winner (1st place).
Winner (2nd place), GISCUP 2016:
- Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, W. Randolph Franklin, Wenli Li, and Marcus Vinicius Alvim Andrade.
An efficient map-reduce algorithm for spatio-temporal analysis using spark (GIS Cup).
In 5th GIS-focused algorithm competition, GISCup 2016, co-located with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS. 2016.
Winner (2nd place).
[abstract▼] [details] [full text] [slides] [BibTeX▼]
- Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, W. Randolph Franklin, Wenli Li, and Marcus Vinicius Alvim Andrade.
An efficient map-reduce algorithm for spatio-temporal analysis using spark (GIS Cup).
In 5th GIS-focused algorithm competition, GISCup 2016, co-located with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS. 2016.
Winner (2nd place).
Awarded a Reproducibility Stamp at the International Geometry Summit 2016.
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Wenli Li.
PinMesh – Fast and exact 3D point location queries using a uniform grid.
Computer & Graphics Journal, special issue on Shape Modeling International 2016, 58:1–11, August 2016.
(online 17 May). Awarded a reproducibility stamp, \url
URL:, doi:
[abstract▼] [details] [full text] [slides] [BibTeX▼]
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Wenli Li.
PinMesh – Fast and exact 3D point location queries using a uniform grid.
Computer & Graphics Journal, special issue on Shape Modeling International 2016, 58:1–11, August 2016.
(online 17 May). Awarded a reproducibility stamp, \url
URL:, doi:
Winner (2nd place), GISCUP 2015:
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Wenli Li.
Fast path planning under polygonal obstacle constraints.
In 4th GIS-focused algorithm competition, GISCUP 2015, co-located with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS. Bellevue WA USA, 4 Nov 2015.
Winner (2nd place).
[details] [full text] [BibTeX▼]
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Wenli Li.
Fast path planning under polygonal obstacle constraints.
In 4th GIS-focused algorithm competition, GISCUP 2015, co-located with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS. Bellevue WA USA, 4 Nov 2015.
Winner (2nd place).
Winner of the Best Paper Award (2nd place), AGILE 2012:
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Guilherme C. Pena.
A linear time algorithm to compute the drainage network on grid terrains.
J. Hydroinformatics, 16(6):1227–1234, 2014.
Update of the winner of the Best Paper Award (2nd place) at AGILE 2012.
[details] [full text] [BibTeX▼]
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Guilherme C. Pena.
A new method for computing the drainage network based on raising the level of an ocean surrounding the terrain.
In Jérome Gensel, Didier Josselin, and Danny Vandenbroucke, editors, Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences: International AGILE'2012 Conference, pages 391–407.
Springer, Avignon (France), 24–27 April 2012.
[details] [full text] [slides] [BibTeX▼]
- Salles V. G. de Magalhães, Marcus V. A. Andrade, W. Randolph Franklin, and Guilherme C. Pena.
A linear time algorithm to compute the drainage network on grid terrains.
J. Hydroinformatics, 16(6):1227–1234, 2014.
Update of the winner of the Best Paper Award (2nd place) at AGILE 2012.
Winner of best paper award, Geoinfo 2013:
- Chaulio R. Ferreira, Marcus V. A. Andrade, Salles V. G. de Magalhães, W. R. Franklin, and Guilherme C. Pena.
A parallel sweep line algorithm for visibility computation.
In Geoinfo 2013, XIV Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics. Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil, 24–27 Nov 2013.
Winner of best paper award, \url
[abstract▼] [details] [full text] [BibTeX▼]
- Chaulio R. Ferreira, Marcus V. A. Andrade, Salles V. G. de Magalhães, W. R. Franklin, and Guilherme C. Pena.
A parallel sweep line algorithm for visibility computation.
In Geoinfo 2013, XIV Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics. Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil, 24–27 Nov 2013.
Winner of best paper award, \url
Winner of the best fast forward presentation award, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009:
- Tsz-Yam Lau, You Li, Zhongyi Xie, and W. Randolph Franklin.
Sea floor bathymetry trackline surface fitting without visible artifacts using ODETLAP.
In 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009). Seattle WA USA, 4–6 Nov 2009.
Winner of the best fast forward presentation award.
[details] [full text] [slides] [poster] [video] [award] [BibTeX▼]
- Tsz-Yam Lau, You Li, Zhongyi Xie, and W. Randolph Franklin.
Sea floor bathymetry trackline surface fitting without visible artifacts using ODETLAP.
In 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009). Seattle WA USA, 4–6 Nov 2009.
Winner of the best fast forward presentation award.