author = "de Magalhães, Salles V. G. and Andrade, Marcus V. A. and Franklin, W. Randolph and Pena, Guilherme C.",
editor = "Gensel, Jérome and Josselin, Didier and Vandenbroucke, Danny",
title = "A new method for computing the drainage network based on raising the level of an ocean surrounding the terrain",
booktitle = "Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences: International {AGILE'2012} Conference",
publisher = "Springer",
pages = "391--407",
isbn = "978-3-642-29062-6",
year = "2012",
address = "Avignon (France)",
month = "24--27 April",
note = "Winner of the Best Paper Award (2nd place)",
url = "http://agile2012.imag.fr/",
customlinkslides = "https://wrfranklin.org/p/151-agile2012-rwflood-talk.pdf",
href = "\bibhrefpt{151-agile2012-rwflood}{151-agile2012-rwflood-talk.pdf}",
mykey = "salles marcus hydro rwflood sallesagile2012"