Hidden surface removal for 3D objects


  • Wm Randolph Franklin and Mohan Kankanhalli. Parallel object-space hidden surface removal. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90, volume 24, 87–94. August 1990.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin. A linear time exact hidden surface algorithm. In Kenneth I. Joy and others, editors, Tutorial: Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis, pages 218–224. 1988.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman. Adaptive grid for polyhedral visibility in object space, an implementation. Computer Journal, 31(1):56–60, February 1988.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin and Varol Akman. A simple and efficient haloed line algorithm for hidden line elimination. Computer Graphics Forum, 6(2):103–109, May 1987.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin. An exact hidden sphere algorithm that operates in linear time. Comput. Graph. Image Process., 15:364–379, 1981.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin. A linear time exact hidden surface algorithm. Comput. Graph., 14(3):117–123, 1980.
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  • W. Randolph Franklin. Prism — a prism plotting program. In Allan H. Schmidt, editor, Mapping Software and Cartographic Data Bases, Harvard Library of Computer Mapping, 1979 collection, pages 75–79. 1979.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin and Harry R. Lewis. 3-D graphic display of discrete spatial data by prism maps. In Proc. SIGGRAPH'78, volume 12(3), 70–75. August 1978.
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  • Wm Randolph Franklin. Combinatorics of hidden surface algorithms. Technical Report, Center for Research in Computing Technology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, June 1978.
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