Wm Randolph Franklin and Mohan Kankanhalli.
Parallel object-space hidden surface removal.
In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90, volume 24, 87–94. August 1990.
[full text]
author = "Franklin, Wm Randolph and Kankanhalli, Mohan",
title = "Parallel Object-Space Hidden Surface Removal",
booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90",
journal = "Comput. Graph.",
comments = "Dallas, Texas",
volume = "24",
month = "August",
year = "1990",
pages = "87--94",
href = "\bibhref{62-siggraph90-parallel}",
mykey = "vis3dobj kankanhalli",
keywords = "computer graphics, parallel computation, hidden line/surface elimination, grids"
Full Text