Daniel Benedetti


  • Wenli Li, W. Randolph Franklin, Daniel N. Benedetti, and Salles V. G. de Magalhães. Parallel multiple observer siting on terrain. In 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2014). Dallas, Texas, USA, 4–7 Nov 2014.
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  • Guilherme Pena, Salles de Magalhães, Marcus Andrade, Randolph Franklin, Chaulio Ferreira, Wenli Li, and Daniel Benedetti. An efficient GPU multiple-observer siting method based on sparse-matrix multiplication. In 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data (BigSpatial) 2014. Dallas TX USA, 4 Nov 2014.
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  • Wenli Li, W. Randolph Franklin, and Daniel Benedetti. Parallel multiple observer siting on terrain. In 23rd Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry. City College, New York City, USA, 25–26 Oct 2013. (extended abstract).
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  • Daniel Benedetti, W. Randolph Franklin, and Wenli Li. CUDA-accelerated ODETLAP: a parallel lossy compression implementation. In 23rd Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry. City College, New York City, USA, 25–26 Oct 2013. (extended abstract).
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