3.29. CUpti_ActivityModule Struct Reference

[CUPTI Activity API]

This activity record represents a CUDA module (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_MODULE). This activity record kind is not produced by the activity API but is included for completeness and ease-of-use. Profile frameworks built on top of CUPTI that collect module data from the module callback may choose to use this type to store the collected module data.

Public Variables

uint32_t  contextId
const void * cubin
uint32_t  cubinSize
uint32_t  id
CUpti_ActivityKind kind
uint32_t  pad


uint32_t CUpti_ActivityModule::contextId [inherited]

The ID of the context where the module is loaded.

const void * CUpti_ActivityModule::cubin [inherited]

The pointer to cubin.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityModule::cubinSize [inherited]

The cubin size.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityModule::id [inherited]

The module ID.

CUpti_ActivityKindCUpti_ActivityModule::kind [inherited]

The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_MODULE.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityModule::pad [inherited]

Undefined. Reserved for internal use.