3.16. CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2 Struct Reference

[CUPTI Activity API]

This activity records the locations of the global accesses in the source (CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_GLOBAL_ACCESS).

Public Variables

uint32_t  correlationId
uint32_t  executed
CUpti_ActivityFlag flags
uint32_t  functionId
CUpti_ActivityKind kind
uint64_t  l2_transactions
uint32_t  pad
uint32_t  pcOffset
uint32_t  sourceLocatorId
uint64_t  theoreticalL2Transactions
uint64_t  threadsExecuted


uint32_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::correlationId [inherited]

The correlation ID of the kernel to which this result is associated.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::executed [inherited]

The number of times this instruction was executed

CUpti_ActivityFlagCUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::flags [inherited]

The properties of this global access.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::functionId [inherited]

Correlation ID with global/device function name

CUpti_ActivityKindCUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::kind [inherited]

The activity record kind, must be CUPTI_ACTIVITY_KIND_GLOBAL_ACCESS.

uint64_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::l2_transactions [inherited]

The total number of 32 bytes transactions to L2 cache generated by this access

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::pad [inherited]

Undefined. Reserved for internal use.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::pcOffset [inherited]

The pc offset for the access.

uint32_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::sourceLocatorId [inherited]

The ID for source locator.

uint64_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::theoreticalL2Transactions [inherited]

The minimum number of L2 transactions possible based on the access pattern.

uint64_t CUpti_ActivityGlobalAccess2::threadsExecuted [inherited]

This increments each time when this instruction is executed by number of threads that executed this instruction with predicate and condition code evaluating to true.