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Quantum Class 10, Thurs 2020-10-01

1 Student talks next week

are listed in piazza. (I put temporary things there.)

2 D-Wave

They make a different type of quantum computer, called a quantum annealer. It is not comparable to quantum gates and circuits like IBM has. D-Wave minimizes a function by testing many solutions in parallel. They have been in the news lately, e.g.,

3 Nice intros to qbits

One way that I learn a new topic is to read several different intros.





    They have a nice description of measurement starting at slide 10.

    Each measurement operator has a basis vector set.

    The operator represents the qbit as a linear combo of the basis vectors.

    Then it projects the qbit onto one of the basis vectors, with probability being the length of that component.

    It is possible for two different qbits to measure the same in some basis, but measure different in a different basis.

4 IBM Quantum experience

  1. When you design a circuit here, you don't need to simulate it elsewhere. It shows you the probabilities.

  2. Dual view: you can see and edit both the circuit and the QASM code.

  3. There are some sample programs in

    We'll see how to clone that repository.

  4. We'll use and mod their Deutsch algorithm.

  5. We'll try the example circuits in .

  6. We'll also see a reversible circuit for (7x mod 15).

    That sort of circuit is used in Shor's integer factorization algorithm.

5 Some future classes

  1. Shor's algorithm

  2. How IBM Q works (the hardware).