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Quantum Class 9, Mon 2020-09-28

1 Apply for a Summer 2021 IBM Quantum Internship

Here. Deadline: Monday, November 2, 2020.

3 Physical basis for superposition

The quantum states of some system are solutions of a linear PDE. There is a basis set of solutions. Linear combos are also solutions. That's superposition.

4 Today

4.2 Try qiskit yourself

I'd like you to try the qiskit tutorial yourself, now, in class.

  1. Do you have python?

  2. The following is a summary from

    I'm trying to avoid using anaconda, to keep things a little simpler.

#. Create a free IBM Quantum Experience account.

  1. pip install 'qiskit[visualization]'

#, run python.

  1. in python:

    import qiskit

  2. Follow the tutorial.

  3. Ask questions.