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Engineering Probability Class 27 Thu 2022-04-21

1 No lecture today

In place of today's lecture, watch these videos, and discuss them next Mon.

1.1 Research By Design videos

  1. 10-1 Guinness, Student, and the History of t Tests (16:58)

  2. 12-2 ANOVA – Variance Between and Within (12:51)

  3. 15-1 Why Non Parametric Statistics? (6.52)

1.2 Crash course videos

  1. Chi-Square Tests: Crash Course Statistics #29 (11:03)

  2. Regression: Crash Course Statistics #32 (12:40)

1.3 MIT videos

This is for students who find the above videos too simple.

There are slides and videos.

Watch the Regression lectures: 13-16.

2 More counterintuitive stats

from current events.

Last year the number of deaths in the US increased by 15% from the year before.

Does that mean that life expectancy decreased by 15%?

(Answer: no. It decreased by a year or 2.)

3 Simpson's paradox

is the formal name for the school admission paradox that I showed you earlier.

It links to several other paradoxes.