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Engineering Probability Class 26 Mon 2022-04-18

1 Mathematica demo

The Mathematica demo I did in class 24 is online:

  1. Printout

  2. Mathematica session for people wanting to run the session themselves.

Again, this will not be on the exam. It is for students who feel that I'm going too slow and would like more material.

Nevertheless, Mathematica is an excellent tool that you should become familiar with. If I had my druthers, we'd use it in lots of courses.

2 Chapter 8: statistics


Why statistics are important: just read the news about covid.

3 Class 27 videos

In place of Thurs's lecture, watch these videos, and discuss them next Mon.

3.1 Research By Design videos

  1. 10-1 Guinness, Student, and the History of t Tests (16:58)

  2. 12-2 ANOVA – Variance Between and Within (12:51)

  3. 15-1 Why Non Parametric Statistics? (6.52)

3.2 Crash course videos

  1. Chi-Square Tests: Crash Course Statistics #29 (11:03)

  2. Regression: Crash Course Statistics #32 (12:40)

3.3 MIT videos

This is for students who find the above videos too simple.

There are slides and videos.

Watch the Regression lectures: 13-16.

4 More counterintuitive stats

from current events.

Last year the number of deaths in the US increased by 15% from the year before.

Does that mean that life expectancy decreased by 15%?

(Answer: no. It decreased by a year or 2.)

5 Simpson's paradox

is the formal name for the school admission paradox that I showed you earlier.

It links to several other paradoxes.