CG Class 3, Thurs 2017-09-07

1   LMS notes

  1. I forgot that LMS had copied over all of last year's assignments. Sorry, they're deleted now. #. This year's assignments are a little different. Some careful people noticed. #. If you really want to see last year's they're available on last year's course page.
  2. I'm using LMS only for students to submit work and for TAs to submit grades. The text of the assignments will be only on the course page.

2   Homework 1 hints

  1. Mac users: ssh to with terminal.
  2. Windows users: install putty. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to install SW on the classroom PC and so can't demo it.
  3. Linux: run ssh to login to
  4. For copying files:
    1. For a few small files, cut and paste.
    2. Windows: install winscp or filezilla.
    3. From inside your rcs account: wget copies the contents (files or dirs) specified by a URL.
    4. With an AFS client program, your RCS directory is read and writable from another computer. On linux, that's the openafs-client package.
    5. From any OS, you may be able to mount your RCS dir as a share thus: s .
  5. Other platforms: ?

3   Angel

  1. Angel's slides are here:
  2. Read week 1, sets 1-4 on your own.
  3. I'll do in class:
    1. Week 1, set 5, Image Formation