CG Class 2, Wed 2017-09-06

1   Piazza

Because of the size of this class, I've set up a class Piazza discussion . Post your non personal questions here. You are encouraged to answer other students' questions. The TAs will monitor this and reply. I may answer questions that remain unanswered for too long.

2   Teaching assistants

  1. The TAs are:

    1. Xiangyang Mou,, office hours TBD. Replace 'x' by (you figure it out).
    2. Qiushi Gong,, office hours W11 in the flip flop lounge JEC 6037.

    They will also come to the Wed labs to help people.

3   Homework 1 extended

The new due date is Mon 9am.

4   Today

  1. Today will start with a demo of the program in the homework and help in getting started.
  2. There was no lecturing.