3.18. Texture Reference Management

This section describes the texture reference management functions of the low-level CUDA driver application programming interface.


CUresult cuTexRefGetAddress ( CUdeviceptr* pdptr, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the address associated with a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetAddressMode ( CUaddress_mode* pam, CUtexref hTexRef, int  dim )
Gets the addressing mode used by a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetArray ( CUarray* phArray, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the array bound to a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetFilterMode ( CUfilter_mode* pfm, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the filter-mode used by a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetFlags ( unsigned int* pFlags, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the flags used by a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetFormat ( CUarray_format* pFormat, int* pNumChannels, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the format used by a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy ( int* pmaxAniso, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode ( CUfilter_mode* pfm, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the mipmap filtering mode for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias ( float* pbias, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the mipmap level bias for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp ( float* pminMipmapLevelClamp, float* pmaxMipmapLevelClamp, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the min/max mipmap level clamps for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray ( CUmipmappedArray* phMipmappedArray, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the mipmapped array bound to a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetAddress ( size_t* ByteOffset, CUtexref hTexRef, CUdeviceptr dptr, size_t bytes )
Binds an address as a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetAddress2D ( CUtexref hTexRef, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR* desc, CUdeviceptr dptr, size_t Pitch )
Binds an address as a 2D texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetAddressMode ( CUtexref hTexRef, int  dim, CUaddress_mode am )
Sets the addressing mode for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetArray ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUarray hArray, unsigned int  Flags )
Binds an array as a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetFilterMode ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUfilter_mode fm )
Sets the filtering mode for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetFlags ( CUtexref hTexRef, unsigned int  Flags )
Sets the flags for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetFormat ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUarray_format fmt, int  NumPackedComponents )
Sets the format for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy ( CUtexref hTexRef, unsigned int  maxAniso )
Sets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUfilter_mode fm )
Sets the mipmap filtering mode for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias ( CUtexref hTexRef, float  bias )
Sets the mipmap level bias for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp ( CUtexref hTexRef, float  minMipmapLevelClamp, float  maxMipmapLevelClamp )
Sets the mipmap min/max mipmap level clamps for a texture reference.
CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUmipmappedArray hMipmappedArray, unsigned int  Flags )
Binds a mipmapped array to a texture reference.


CUresult cuTexRefGetAddress ( CUdeviceptr* pdptr, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the address associated with a texture reference.
- Returned device address
- Texture reference

Returns in *pdptr the base address bound to the texture reference hTexRef, or returns CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the texture reference is not bound to any device memory range.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetAddressMode ( CUaddress_mode* pam, CUtexref hTexRef, int  dim )
Gets the addressing mode used by a texture reference.
- Returned addressing mode
- Texture reference
- Dimension

Returns in *pam the addressing mode corresponding to the dimension dim of the texture reference hTexRef. Currently, the only valid value for dim are 0 and 1.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetArray ( CUarray* phArray, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the array bound to a texture reference.
- Returned array
- Texture reference

Returns in *phArray the CUDA array bound to the texture reference hTexRef, or returns CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the texture reference is not bound to any CUDA array.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetFilterMode ( CUfilter_mode* pfm, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the filter-mode used by a texture reference.
- Returned filtering mode
- Texture reference
CUresult cuTexRefGetFlags ( unsigned int* pFlags, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the flags used by a texture reference.
- Returned flags
- Texture reference
CUresult cuTexRefGetFormat ( CUarray_format* pFormat, int* pNumChannels, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the format used by a texture reference.
- Returned format
- Returned number of components
- Texture reference

Returns in *pFormat and *pNumChannels the format and number of components of the CUDA array bound to the texture reference hTexRef. If pFormat or pNumChannels is NULL, it will be ignored.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags

CUresult cuTexRefGetMaxAnisotropy ( int* pmaxAniso, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference.
- Returned maximum anisotropy
- Texture reference

Returns the maximum anisotropy in pmaxAniso that's used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmapFilterMode ( CUfilter_mode* pfm, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the mipmap filtering mode for a texture reference.
- Returned mipmap filtering mode
- Texture reference

Returns the mipmap filtering mode in pfm that's used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelBias ( float* pbias, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the mipmap level bias for a texture reference.
- Returned mipmap level bias
- Texture reference

Returns the mipmap level bias in pBias that's added to the specified mipmap level when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmapLevelClamp ( float* pminMipmapLevelClamp, float* pmaxMipmapLevelClamp, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the min/max mipmap level clamps for a texture reference.
- Returned mipmap min level clamp
- Returned mipmap max level clamp
- Texture reference

Returns the min/max mipmap level clamps in pminMipmapLevelClamp and pmaxMipmapLevelClamp that's used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefGetMipmappedArray ( CUmipmappedArray* phMipmappedArray, CUtexref hTexRef )
Gets the mipmapped array bound to a texture reference.
- Returned mipmapped array
- Texture reference

Returns in *phMipmappedArray the CUDA mipmapped array bound to the texture reference hTexRef, or returns CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the texture reference is not bound to any CUDA mipmapped array.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetAddress ( size_t* ByteOffset, CUtexref hTexRef, CUdeviceptr dptr, size_t bytes )
Binds an address as a texture reference.
- Returned byte offset
- Texture reference to bind
- Device pointer to bind
- Size of memory to bind in bytes

Binds a linear address range to the texture reference hTexRef. Any previous address or CUDA array state associated with the texture reference is superseded by this function. Any memory previously bound to hTexRef is unbound.

Since the hardware enforces an alignment requirement on texture base addresses, cuTexRefSetAddress() passes back a byte offset in *ByteOffset that must be applied to texture fetches in order to read from the desired memory. This offset must be divided by the texel size and passed to kernels that read from the texture so they can be applied to the tex1Dfetch() function.

If the device memory pointer was returned from cuMemAlloc(), the offset is guaranteed to be 0 and NULL may be passed as the ByteOffset parameter.

The total number of elements (or texels) in the linear address range cannot exceed CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE1D_LINEAR_WIDTH. The number of elements is computed as (bytes / bytesPerElement), where bytesPerElement is determined from the data format and number of components set using cuTexRefSetFormat().

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetAddress2D ( CUtexref hTexRef, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR* desc, CUdeviceptr dptr, size_t Pitch )
Binds an address as a 2D texture reference.
- Texture reference to bind
- Descriptor of CUDA array
- Device pointer to bind
- Line pitch in bytes

Binds a linear address range to the texture reference hTexRef. Any previous address or CUDA array state associated with the texture reference is superseded by this function. Any memory previously bound to hTexRef is unbound.

Using a tex2D() function inside a kernel requires a call to either cuTexRefSetArray() to bind the corresponding texture reference to an array, or cuTexRefSetAddress2D() to bind the texture reference to linear memory.

Function calls to cuTexRefSetFormat() cannot follow calls to cuTexRefSetAddress2D() for the same texture reference.

It is required that dptr be aligned to the appropriate hardware-specific texture alignment. You can query this value using the device attribute CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE_ALIGNMENT. If an unaligned dptr is supplied, CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Pitch has to be aligned to the hardware-specific texture pitch alignment. This value can be queried using the device attribute CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT. If an unaligned Pitch is supplied, CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE is returned.

Width and Height, which are specified in elements (or texels), cannot exceed CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LINEAR_WIDTH and CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LINEAR_HEIGHT respectively. Pitch, which is specified in bytes, cannot exceed CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXIMUM_TEXTURE2D_LINEAR_PITCH.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetAddressMode ( CUtexref hTexRef, int  dim, CUaddress_mode am )
Sets the addressing mode for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Dimension
- Addressing mode to set

Specifies the addressing mode am for the given dimension dim of the texture reference hTexRef. If dim is zero, the addressing mode is applied to the first parameter of the functions used to fetch from the texture; if dim is 1, the second, and so on. CUaddress_mode is defined as:

‎   typedef enum CUaddress_mode_enum {
            CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_WRAP = 0,
            CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP = 1,
            CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR = 2,
         } CUaddress_mode;

Note that this call has no effect if hTexRef is bound to linear memory. Also, if the flag, CU_TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES, is not set, the only supported address mode is CU_TR_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetArray ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUarray hArray, unsigned int  Flags )
Binds an array as a texture reference.
- Texture reference to bind
- Array to bind
- Options (must be CU_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT)

Binds the CUDA array hArray to the texture reference hTexRef. Any previous address or CUDA array state associated with the texture reference is superseded by this function. Flags must be set to CU_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT. Any CUDA array previously bound to hTexRef is unbound.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetFilterMode ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUfilter_mode fm )
Sets the filtering mode for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Filtering mode to set

Specifies the filtering mode fm to be used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef. CUfilter_mode_enum is defined as:

‎   typedef enum CUfilter_mode_enum {
            CU_TR_FILTER_MODE_POINT = 0,
            CU_TR_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR = 1
         } CUfilter_mode;

Note that this call has no effect if hTexRef is bound to linear memory.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetFlags ( CUtexref hTexRef, unsigned int  Flags )
Sets the flags for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Optional flags to set

Specifies optional flags via Flags to specify the behavior of data returned through the texture reference hTexRef. The valid flags are:

  • CU_TRSF_READ_AS_INTEGER, which suppresses the default behavior of having the texture promote integer data to floating point data in the range [0, 1]. Note that texture with 32-bit integer format would not be promoted, regardless of whether or not this flag is specified;

  • CU_TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES, which suppresses the default behavior of having the texture coordinates range from [0, Dim) where Dim is the width or height of the CUDA array. Instead, the texture coordinates [0, 1.0) reference the entire breadth of the array dimension;

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetFormat ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUarray_format fmt, int  NumPackedComponents )
Sets the format for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Format to set
- Number of components per array element

Specifies the format of the data to be read by the texture reference hTexRef. fmt and NumPackedComponents are exactly analogous to the Format and NumChannels members of the CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR structure: They specify the format of each component and the number of components per array element.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetMaxAnisotropy ( CUtexref hTexRef, unsigned int  maxAniso )
Sets the maximum anisotropy for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Maximum anisotropy

Specifies the maximum anisotropy maxAniso to be used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

Note that this call has no effect if hTexRef is bound to linear memory.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmapFilterMode ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUfilter_mode fm )
Sets the mipmap filtering mode for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Filtering mode to set

Specifies the mipmap filtering mode fm to be used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef. CUfilter_mode_enum is defined as:

‎   typedef enum CUfilter_mode_enum {
            CU_TR_FILTER_MODE_POINT = 0,
            CU_TR_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR = 1
         } CUfilter_mode;

Note that this call has no effect if hTexRef is not bound to a mipmapped array.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelBias ( CUtexref hTexRef, float  bias )
Sets the mipmap level bias for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Mipmap level bias

Specifies the mipmap level bias bias to be added to the specified mipmap level when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

Note that this call has no effect if hTexRef is not bound to a mipmapped array.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmapLevelClamp ( CUtexref hTexRef, float  minMipmapLevelClamp, float  maxMipmapLevelClamp )
Sets the mipmap min/max mipmap level clamps for a texture reference.
- Texture reference
- Mipmap min level clamp
- Mipmap max level clamp

Specifies the min/max mipmap level clamps, minMipmapLevelClamp and maxMipmapLevelClamp respectively, to be used when reading memory through the texture reference hTexRef.

Note that this call has no effect if hTexRef is not bound to a mipmapped array.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetArray, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat

CUresult cuTexRefSetMipmappedArray ( CUtexref hTexRef, CUmipmappedArray hMipmappedArray, unsigned int  Flags )
Binds a mipmapped array to a texture reference.
- Texture reference to bind
- Mipmapped array to bind
- Options (must be CU_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT)

Binds the CUDA mipmapped array hMipmappedArray to the texture reference hTexRef. Any previous address or CUDA array state associated with the texture reference is superseded by this function. Flags must be set to CU_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT. Any CUDA array previously bound to hTexRef is unbound.

See also:

cuTexRefSetAddress, cuTexRefSetAddress2D, cuTexRefSetAddressMode, cuTexRefSetFilterMode, cuTexRefSetFlags, cuTexRefSetFormat, cuTexRefGetAddress, cuTexRefGetAddressMode, cuTexRefGetArray, cuTexRefGetFilterMode, cuTexRefGetFlags, cuTexRefGetFormat