4.14. cudaTextureDesc Struct Reference

[Data types used by CUDA Runtime]

CUDA texture descriptor

Public Variables

enumcudaTextureAddressMode addressMode[3]
enumcudaTextureFilterMode filterMode
unsigned int  maxAnisotropy
float  maxMipmapLevelClamp
float  minMipmapLevelClamp
enumcudaTextureFilterMode mipmapFilterMode
float  mipmapLevelBias
int  normalizedCoords
enumcudaTextureReadMode readMode
int  sRGB


enumcudaTextureAddressModecudaTextureDesc::addressMode[3] [inherited]

Texture address mode for up to 3 dimensions

enumcudaTextureFilterModecudaTextureDesc::filterMode [inherited]

Texture filter mode

unsigned int cudaTextureDesc::maxAnisotropy [inherited]

Limit to the anisotropy ratio

float cudaTextureDesc::maxMipmapLevelClamp [inherited]

Upper end of the mipmap level range to clamp access to

float cudaTextureDesc::minMipmapLevelClamp [inherited]

Lower end of the mipmap level range to clamp access to

enumcudaTextureFilterModecudaTextureDesc::mipmapFilterMode [inherited]

Mipmap filter mode

float cudaTextureDesc::mipmapLevelBias [inherited]

Offset applied to the supplied mipmap level

int cudaTextureDesc::normalizedCoords [inherited]

Indicates whether texture reads are normalized or not

enumcudaTextureReadModecudaTextureDesc::readMode [inherited]

Texture read mode

int cudaTextureDesc::sRGB [inherited]

Perform sRGB->linear conversion during texture read