1.7. Type Casting Intrinsics

This section describes type casting intrinsic functions that are only supported in device code.


__device__ ​ float __double2float_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ float __double2float_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ float __double2float_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ float __double2float_rz ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ int __double2hiint ( double  x )
Reinterpret high 32 bits in a double as a signed integer.
__device__ ​ int __double2int_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ int __double2int_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ int __double2int_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ int __double2int_rz ( double )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_rz ( double )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ int __double2loint ( double  x )
Reinterpret low 32 bits in a double as a signed integer.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_rz ( double )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_rz ( double )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __double_as_longlong ( double  x )
Reinterpret bits in a double as a 64-bit signed integer.
__device__ ​ unsigned short __float2half_rn ( float  x )
Convert a single-precision float to a half-precision float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ int __float2int_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ int __float2int_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ int __float2int_ru ( float )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ int __float2int_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_ru ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_ru ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_ru ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ int __float_as_int ( float  x )
Reinterpret bits in a float as a signed integer.
__device__ ​ float __half2float ( unsigned short x )
Convert a half-precision float to a single-precision float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ double __hiloint2double ( int  hi, int  lo )
Reinterpret high and low 32-bit integer values as a double.
__device__ ​ double __int2double_rn ( int  x )
Convert a signed int to a double.
__device__ ​ float __int2float_rd ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ float __int2float_rn ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ float __int2float_ru ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ float __int2float_rz ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ float __int_as_float ( int  x )
Reinterpret bits in an integer as a float.
__device__ ​ double __ll2double_rd ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ double __ll2double_rn ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ double __ll2double_ru ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ double __ll2double_rz ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ float __ll2float_rd ( long long int x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ float __ll2float_rn ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ float __ll2float_ru ( long long int x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ float __ll2float_rz ( long long int x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ double __longlong_as_double ( long long int x )
Reinterpret bits in a 64-bit signed integer as a double.
__device__ ​ double __uint2double_rn ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned int to a double.
__device__ ​ float __uint2float_rd ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ float __uint2float_rn ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ float __uint2float_ru ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ float __uint2float_rz ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ double __ull2double_rd ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ double __ull2double_rn ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ double __ull2double_ru ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ double __ull2double_rz ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-towards-zero mode.
__device__ ​ float __ull2float_rd ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-down mode.
__device__ ​ float __ull2float_rn ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.
__device__ ​ float __ull2float_ru ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-up mode.
__device__ ​ float __ull2float_rz ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.


__device__ ​ float __double2float_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __double2float_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ float __double2float_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __double2float_rz ( double  x )
Convert a double to a float in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ int __double2hiint ( double  x )
Reinterpret high 32 bits in a double as a signed integer.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the high 32 bits in the double-precision floating point value x as a signed integer.

__device__ ​ int __double2int_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed integer value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ int __double2int_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed integer value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ int __double2int_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed integer value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ int __double2int_rz ( double )
Convert a double to a signed int in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed integer value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __double2ll_rz ( double )
Convert a double to a signed 64-bit int in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ int __double2loint ( double  x )
Reinterpret low 32 bits in a double as a signed integer.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the low 32 bits in the double-precision floating point value x as a signed integer.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __double2uint_rz ( double )
Convert a double to an unsigned int in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_rd ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_rn ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_ru ( double  x )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __double2ull_rz ( double )
Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit int in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the double-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __double_as_longlong ( double  x )
Reinterpret bits in a double as a 64-bit signed integer.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the bits in the double-precision floating point value x as a signed 64-bit integer.

__device__ ​ unsigned short __float2half_rn ( float  x )
Convert a single-precision float to a half-precision float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision float value x to a half-precision floating point value represented in unsigned short format, in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ int __float2int_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed integer in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ int __float2int_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ int __float2int_ru ( float )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed integer in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ int __float2int_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_ru ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ long long int __float2ll_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to a signed 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_ru ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned int __float2uint_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned integer in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_rd ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_rn ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_ru ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ unsigned long long int __float2ull_rz ( float  x )
Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the single-precision floating point value x to an unsigned 64-bit integer in round-towards_zero mode.

__device__ ​ int __float_as_int ( float  x )
Reinterpret bits in a float as a signed integer.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the bits in the single-precision floating point value x as a signed integer.

__device__ ​ float __half2float ( unsigned short x )
Convert a half-precision float to a single-precision float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the half-precision floating point value x represented in unsigned short format to a single-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ double __hiloint2double ( int  hi, int  lo )
Reinterpret high and low 32-bit integer values as a double.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the integer value of hi as the high 32 bits of a double-precision floating point value and the integer value of lo as the low 32 bits of the same double-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ double __int2double_rn ( int  x )
Convert a signed int to a double.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a double-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ float __int2float_rd ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __int2float_rn ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ float __int2float_ru ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __int2float_rz ( int  x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ float __int_as_float ( int  x )
Reinterpret bits in an integer as a float.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the bits in the signed integer value x as a single-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ double __ll2double_rd ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ double __ll2double_rn ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ double __ll2double_ru ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ double __ll2double_rz ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit int to a double in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ float __ll2float_rd ( long long int x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __ll2float_rn ( long long int x )
Convert a signed 64-bit integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed 64-bit integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ float __ll2float_ru ( long long int x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __ll2float_rz ( long long int x )
Convert a signed integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the signed integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ double __longlong_as_double ( long long int x )
Reinterpret bits in a 64-bit signed integer as a double.

Returns reinterpreted value.


Reinterpret the bits in the 64-bit signed integer value x as a double-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ double __uint2double_rn ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned int to a double.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a double-precision floating point value.

__device__ ​ float __uint2float_rd ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __uint2float_rn ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ float __uint2float_ru ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __uint2float_rz ( unsigned int  x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ double __ull2double_rd ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ double __ull2double_rn ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ double __ull2double_ru ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ double __ull2double_rz ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned 64-bit int to a double in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned 64-bit integer value x to a double-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.

__device__ ​ float __ull2float_rd ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-down mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-down (to negative infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __ull2float_rn ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-to-nearest-even mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-to-nearest-even mode.

__device__ ​ float __ull2float_ru ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-up mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-up (to positive infinity) mode.

__device__ ​ float __ull2float_rz ( unsigned long long int x )
Convert an unsigned integer to a float in round-towards-zero mode.

Returns converted value.


Convert the unsigned integer value x to a single-precision floating point value in round-towards-zero mode.