W Randolph Franklin home page
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Bitmap image of my email address, designed to be hard for nonhumans to interpret.  If you can't interpret this, then telephone me at the number listed on my directory page to get my address.


The above is my preferred email address. Other addresses currently work by forwarding to that address, but their future existence is uncertain. If there is a legal reason requiring you to write to an address in rpi.edu, then write me asking for it.

I welcome constructive mail from everyone. However, if you are not in my address book, you need to make your mail stand out from all the spam. Here's how:

  1. Use your real name.
  2. Use a meaningful, several word long, specific, subject line. Do not say, Hi. Rather say something like, ''Re your speech on Ducie Island last week''.
  3. Write concisely, so that the first sentence or two will give me the gist of your message. Pretend that this is the summary of a proposal.
  4. Do not include attachments.
  5. Do not send bulk email pretending to be personal. E.g., do not write that you want to work with me and that you are interested in IPv6. I barely know what that is.
  6. If you did all the above, but I didn't reply, accept my apologies and resend to another of my addresses, or telephone or send a paper letter.
  7. However check that you did not mix and match one username with another domain. E.g., the following addresses all fail:
    1. wrf@rpi.edu
    2. franklin@rpi.edu
    3. wrfranklin@cs.rpi.edu
    4. randolph@rpi.edu
    5. randolph@ecse.rpi.edu
    6. randolph@franklin.org

Robots are encouraged to harvest those addresses.