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List of Homeworks.

Homework 3, due Thurs Sept 18, 2014, 1159pm

Hand in your solution on RPILMS. Each team should submit their solution under only 1 student's name. The other student's submission should just name the lead student. (This makes it easier for us to avoid grading it twice.) For programming exercises, hand in code and screen dumps. We won't run your code, but will use the screendumps to judge how it worked.

  1. (10 points) Part of changing from one coordinate system to another is scaling and making things fit. E.g., suppose that you had a square with lower left corner (llc) (0,0) and upper right corner (urc) (1,1). You want to scale and center it to just fit into a rectangle with llc (0,0) and urc (2,3). The square stays a square but is probably larger or smaller. Then, these equations would do it:
    x' = 2x
    y' = 2y + 1/2

    This question is to figure out how to make a rectangle from (0,0) to (2,1) fit into a square that is from (0,0) to (4,4).
    x'=2x, y'=2y+1
  2. (10 points) Do the textbook q 2.1 on page 95. Do it in by raising triangles from the XY plane into 3D. Don't worry about fancy shading, just make the triangles different colors.
    In more detail: just add a random 3D vector to each midpoint. Don't make it just a random Z because that won't show any different when looking straight down, which is what the default view is.

(Total: 20 points.)