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Quantum Class 17, Thu 2021-10-28

1 QuTech Academy videos

  1. The maze (0:42)

  2. NV center qubits (6:34). Another tech.

2 Superconducting quantum computing, ctd

There are alternatives to how IBM does it. This Wikipedia article is a good summary.

3 D-wave ctd

  1. Quantum Computing: Top Players 2021 (13:23)

  2. Quantum Annealer vs Universal Gate Based Quantum Computers | Is D-Wave a Real Quantum Computer? (12:02) Anastasia Marchenkova

  3. What is Quantum Annealing? (6:14)

  4. How The Quantum Annealing Process Works (6:09)

  5. Quantum Programming 101: Solving a Problem From End to End | D-Wave Webinar (54:25), 1st 10 minutes


  7. D-Wave System Documentation


4 Term project

Homework 12 asks for your topic.

Deliverable include writeup, class presentation, code if you're programming.

5 Due dates

During the semester, I've been lenient with due dates because this is a small class. However, RPI's last class day will be a firm due date for everything. The registrar will want the grades early because there is no final exam.