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Quantum Class 14, Mon 2021-10-18

1 Quantum current events

None of these are a formal part of this course, but still look interesting.

  1. IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2021.

    Oct 27 at 9:00 AM (local) — Nov 05 at 12:00 PM (local)

  2. (reminder) Fundamentals of Quantum Computation Using Qiskit v0.2X Developer, C1000-112 IBM Quantum.

  3. D-Wave Clarity Roadmap Webinar, Wednesday October 20, 9-10am PT.

2 Qiskit Applied Algorithms, ctd


2.1 Simulating chemistry


    simple video 3:53.

  2. Quantum Computation for Chemistry and Materials (57:39). Dr. Jarrod McClean Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab.

    We'll start at 16:00 and play for awhile.


2.2 Image processing

  1. Quantum Edge Detection - QHED Algorithm on Small and Large Images

  2. Image processing in quantum computers Aditya Dendukuri and Khoa Luu.

    Quantum Image Processing (QIP)is an exciting new field showing a lot of promise as a powerful addition to the arsenal of Image Processing techniques. Representing image pixel by pixel using classical information requires an enormous amount of computational resources. Hence, exploring methods to represent images in a different paradigm of information is important. In this work, we study the representation of images in Quantum Information. The main motivation for this pursuit is the ability of storing N bits of classical information in only log(2N) quantum bits (qubits). The promising first step was the exponentially efficient implementation of the Fourier transform in quantum computers as compared to Fast Fourier Transform in classical computers. In addition, images encoded in quantum information could obey unique quantum properties like superposition or entanglement.

3 Amazon Braket

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