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Quantum Class 17, Thurs 2020-17-29

1 Homework 5 extended

I'll add some help and give you more time.

2 Guest lectures

Some other profs at RPI who work with quantum computing have generously agreed to talk to the class. So, far the schedule is:

  1. Jian Shi. Nov 5.

  2. Sufei Shi. Nov 30.

  3. Edwin Fohtung. TBD.

3 Phase

  1. You cannot measure the phase of qbit.

  2. You can measure the relative phase of 2 qbits.

  3. Many algorithms encode the answer as a phase shift of a qbit.

  4. Phase kickback means that a gate that runs one way, e.g., the control bit affects an output bit, can be made to run the other way, e.g., the control bit is changed, by making the other bit a Hadamad basis.

    We'll see an example on the IBM Q.

  5. Phase Kickback V Abhijith Rao

  6. Qiskit Phase Kickback

5 Applications on the IBM Q

  1. Quantum Algorithms for Applications from qiskit

    This is rather deep; we may skim it.

  2. HHL Algorithm

    This is in Huawei HiQ, an open-source software framework for quantum computing.
