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Engineering Probability Class 13 Thu 2022-02-24

1 TA office hours

  1. Will meet on their webex meeting places.

  2. Hao Lu, luh6@, 2pm Tues and 3pm Sat.

  3. Hanjing Wang, wangh36@, 3pm Fri and 9pm Sun.

  4. If no one has joined in 15 minutes, they will leave.

  5. Write them for other meeting times.

2 Homework 6

is on gradescope.

3 Chapter 5, Two Random Variables

  1. One experiment might produce two r.v. E.g.,

    1. Shoot an arrow; it lands at (x,y).

    2. Toss two dice.

    3. Measure the height and weight of people.

    4. Measure the voltage of a signal at several times.

  2. The definitions for pmf, pdf and cdf are reasonable extensions of one r.v.

  3. The math is messier.

  4. The two r.v. may be *dependent* and *correlated*.

  5. The *correlation coefficient*, $\rho$, is a dimensionless measure of linear dependence. $-1\le\rho\le1$.

  6. $\rho$ may be 0 when the variables have a nonlinear dependent relation.

  7. Integrating (or summing) out one variable gives a marginal distribution.

  8. We'll do some simple examples:

    1. Toss two 4-sided dice.

    2. Toss two 4-sided ''loaded'' dice. The marginal pmfs are uniform.

    3. Pick a point uniformly in a square.

    4. Pick a point uniformly in a triangle. x and y are now dependent.

  9. The big example is a 2 variable normal distribution.

    1. The pdf is messier.

    2. It looks elliptical unless $\rho$=0.

  10. I finished the class with a high level overview of Chapter 5, w/o any math.

4 Comic

Conditional Risk