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Engineering Probability Class 10 Mon 2022-02-14

1 Programming tools I use

  1. I like writing in goodnotes on the ipad, then exporting the day's notes as a PDF file.

  2. Then I export the PDF file into MS onedrive.

  3. On my linux laptop, I use rclone to mount my onedrive account as a virtual filesystem.

  4. Onedrive works better in linux than in windows! In linux, I can mount several personal onedrive accounts. Not so in windows.

  5. Then I copy the pdf into the Files directory of the class's nikola installation.

  6. Then rebuild the class nikola blog.

  7. Then use git to sync the compiled blog over to

  8. Today I'm trying to share the ipad's screen to a window on my linux laptop (thinkpad x12).

  9. Then, from the x12, I can run webex to broadcast the class, and also project to the classroom.

  10. What didn't work before was connecting the ipad to the x12, since its integrated graphics causes problems.

  11. Also this config is powerful when it works. Sometimes it doesn't.

2 Continuing Chapter 4