Engineering Probability Class 27 Mon 2019-04-22
Table of contents
1 Grades
- The 3rd exam will be the same length as the first two: 80 minutes.
- I will distribute a guaranteed minimum grade at the end of the semester. If you are satisfied with that, you do not need to write the third exam.
2 Statistics videos
- Regression: Crash Course Statistics #32 (12:40)
3 8.4 Confidence intervals, p 430
The earlier videos introduced you to this.
4 Worked out problems
7.14a, p 403.
8.4 p 471.
Normal probability tables were given in class 20.
8.10, p 472.
8.24, p 474.
TABLE 3.1 Discrete random variables is page 115.
TABLE 4.1 Continuous random variables is page 164.