Engineering Probability Class 22 Mon 2018-04-09

3   Exam 2 and estimated final grade

Exam 2 will be returned in class on Thurs. Shortly after I will compute an estimated letter grade, if you don't write exam 3 (the final exam). Later, it will be refined into a guaranteed letter grade, assuming you don't do any more homeworks. That will require working in the latest iclicker scores etc.

4   Final exam

Six students need a conflict exam (if everyone writes it). Next week, I'll set up an online poll for those students, to pick a good time.

5   Material from text

  1. Example 5.31 on page 264 in detail. This is the noisy comm channel, now with Gaussian (normal) noise.
  2. Remember equation 5.45 for conditional pdf on page 265.
  3. Remember equation 5.48 for total probability on page 266.
  4. Example 5.33 on page 267.