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PAR Class 18, Mon 2020-03-30

1   Ensure that you're in piazza

I use this for quick announcements that are not so much of permanent interest, and for things that don't necessarily need to be on the global internet forever.

I think I added everyone who wasn't already in it, but for complicated reasons might have missed someone.

So, if you're not in it, please add yourself or email me to add you.

I'll send a test message. If you don't get it, check your spam filter. RPI's spam filter recently blocked my own messages to piazza being forwarded to myself.

2   My Quantum Intro blog posting

I prepared it for an internal RPI research discussion last week. RPI faculty in several departments are considering how to do research on this. A group of RPI people, including two vice presidents, visited IBM before the break to talk about this. I'll work this into this course later, but you're welcome to read it now.

3   Linux HMM (Heterogeneous Memory Management)

This is hardware support to make programming devices like GPUs easier. It took years to get into the official kernel, presumably because you don't want bugs in memory management.

This is also a nice intro into current operating systems concerns. Do our operating systems courses talk about this?


4   Several forms of C++ functions

  1. Traditional top level function

    auto add(int a, int b) { return a+b;}

    You can pass this to a function. This really passes a pointer to the function. It doesn't optimize across the call.

  2. Overload operator() in a new class

    Each different variable of the class is a different function. The function can use the variable's value. This is a closure.

    This is local to the containing block.

    This form optimizes well.

  3. Lambda, or anon function.

    auto add = [](int a, int b) { return a+b;};

    This is local to the containing block.

    This form optimizes well.

  4. Placeholder notation.

    As an argument in, e.g., transform, you can do this:

    transform(..., _1+_2);

    This is nice and short.

    As this is implemented by overloading the operators, the syntax of the expression is limited to what was overloaded.