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PAR Class 16, Mon 2020-03-23

1   About this unprecedented situation

RPI wants to continue to give you a solid education.

We recognize that new problems may arise and will try to be humane.

You will still have to study.

Anything listed here is only a best attempt and might be changed if there's a good reason.

Your feedback is always welcome.

2   Course computer tools

2.1   Webex

For the rest of the semester, the idea is that I'll still lecture at the appointed times, Mon and Thurs at noon eastern time.

However, now I'll try to lecture with Webex. You can access it via your favorite browser. Or, you can use an app on some platforms like the Ipad.

The lectures will be recorded so that you can rewatch them later.

I'll post the link on piazza with email to you before the lecture.

2.2   Piazza

I'll use piazza---

  1. to push announcements to the class,
  2. to post material that might not be completely public,
  3. for questions and answers.

2.3   This blog

This blog will continue to be sort of a permanent record of the class.

2.4   Gradescope

Gradescope will continue to be used for grading.

2.5   parallel.ecse

parallel.ecse will continue to be available remotely.

3   Today

3.1   Final round 2 student talks

Two remaining students will present your talks.

If possible, post your slides in advance or email them to me for posting.

  1. Elizabeth .
  2. Garrett.
  3. Mike.

3.2   OpenACC

Quickly finish the 3 slide sets.


My local copy on parallel: /parallel-class/openacc/online-course

3.3   CUDA

I've mentioned this many times. Now we'll get into details.

  1. Stanford's parallel course notes.
  1. Lecture 5: Finish CUDA,
  2. Lectures 6, 7: Some parallel patterns.
  1. Sample programs.
    1. /local/cuda/samples has many programs by Nvidia. Some interesting ones:
      1. /local/cuda/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery/deviceQuery describes the host's GPUs.
      2. /local/cuda/samples/0_Simple/ does some benchmarks.
    2. Stanfords examples are in parallel-class/stanford/tutorials .