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PAR Class 12, Mon 2020-02-24

1   Term project

  1. See the syllabus.
  2. Proposal due March 12.
  3. Progress reports on March 26, April 9 (Thu)
  4. Presentations in class April 20 (Mon), 23 (Thu), 27 (Mon).
  5. Paper etc due on Wed April 29 (last class).

2   No class Thu Feb 27

A group of us will be visiting IBM's Quantum Computing group.

In preparation for quantum computing, which I'll start in a few weeks, read Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists slides and video

3   Types of memory allocation

Here's a brief overview of my understanding of the various places that you can assign memory in a program.

  1. Static. Define a fixed-size array global array. The variable is constructed at compile time, so accesses might perhaps be faster. Global vars with non default initial values increase the executable file size. If they're large enough, you need to use the compiler option -mcmodel=medium or -mcmodel=large. They cause the compiler to generate wider addresses. I don't know the effect on the program's size or speed, but suspect that it's small.

  2. Stack. Define local arrays, that are created and freed as the routine is entered and exited. Their addresses relative to the base of this call frame may be constant. The default stack size is 8MB. You can increase this with the command ulimit or in the program as shown in I believe that in OpenMP, the max stacksize may be allocated when each thread is created. Then, a really big stackssize might have a penalty.

  3. Heap. You use new and destroy. Variables are constructed whenever you want. The more objects on the heap, the more time that each new or destroy takes. If you have lots of objects consider using placement new or creating an array of them.

    For CUDA, some variables must be on the heap.

I like to use static, then stack, and heap only when necessary. However, allocating few but large, blocks on the heap is also fast.

Google's allocator is noticeably better than the default one. To use it, link your programs with -ltcmalloc. You can often use it on an existing executable foo thus:

LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" foo

I found it to save 15% to 30% in time.

Another memory concern is speed. Parallel has a NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Architecture). It has two 14-core Xeons. Each core has 128GB of main memory. Although all 256GB are in a common address space, accessing memory on same core as the thread is running on is faster.

The following is what I think based on some research, but may be wrong: A 4KB page of memory is assigned to a specific core when it is first written (not when it is reserved). So, each page of a large array may be on a different core. This can be used to optimize things. This gets more fun with 8-processor systems.

All that is separate from cache issues.

You can also assign your OpenMP threads to specific cores. This affects speed in ways I don't understand. The issues are resource sharing vs conflicts.

4   parallel.ecse hardware details

I put the invoice on parallel.ecse in /parallel-class/ . It gives the hardware specifics.

Since the initial purchase, parallel has been modified:

  1. The Intel MIC coprocessor was removed.
  2. The Nvidia RTX 8000 was added.

5   Nvidia GPU summary

Here's a summary of the Nvidia Pascal GP104 GPU architecture as I understand it. It's more compact than I've found elsewhere. I'll add to it from time to time. Some numbers are probably wrong.

  1. The host is the CPU.

  2. The device is the GPU.

  3. The device contains 20 streaming multiprocessors (SMs).

    Different GPU generations have used the terms SMX or SMM.

  4. A thread is a sequential program with private and shared memory, program counter, etc.

  5. Threads are grouped, 32 at a time, into warps.

  6. Warps of threads are grouped into blocks.

    Often the warps are only implicit, and we consider that the threads are grouped directly into blocks.

    That abstract hides details that may be important; see below.

  7. Blocks of threads are grouped into a grid, which is all the threads in the kernel.

  8. A kernel is a parallel program executing on the device.

    1. The kernel runs potentially thousands of threads.
    2. A kernel can create other kernels and wait for their completion.
    3. There may be a limit, e.g., 5 seconds, on a kernel's run time.
  9. Thread-level resources:

    1. Each thread can use up to 255 fast registers. Registers are private to the thread.

      All the threads in one block have their registers allocated from a fixed pool of 65536 registers. The more registers that each thread uses, the fewer warps in the block can run simultaneously.

    2. Each thread has 512KB slow local memory, allocated from the global memory.

    3. Local memory is used when not enough registers are available, and to store thread-local arrays.

  10. Warp-level resources:

    1. Threads are grouped, 32 at a time, into warps.

    2. Each warp executes as a SIMD, with one instruction register. At each cycle, every thread in a warp is either executing the same instruction, or is disabled. If the 32 threads want to execute 32 different instructions, then they will execute one after the other, sequentially.

      If you read in some NVidia doc that threads in a warp run independently, then continue reading the next page to get the info mentioned in the previous paragraph.

    3. If successive instructions in a warp do not depend on each other, then, if there are enough warp schedulers available, they may be executed in parallel. This is called Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP).

    4. For an array in local memory, which means that each thread will have its private copy, the elements for all the threads in a warp are interleaved to potentially increase the I/O rate.

      Therefore your program should try to have successive threads read successive words of arrays.

    5. A thread can read variables from other threads in the same warp, with the shuffle instruction. Typical operation are to read from the K-th next thread, to do a butterfly permutation, or to do an indexed read. This happens in parallel for the whole warp, and does not use shared memory.

    6. A warp vote combines a bit computed by each thread to report results like all or any.

  11. Block-level resources:

    1. A block may contain up to 1024 threads.

    2. Each block has access to 65536 fast 32-bit registers, for the use of its threads.

    3. Each block can use up to 49152 bytes of the SM's fast shared memory. The block's shared memory is shared by all the threads in the block, but is hidden from other blocks.

      Shared memory is basically a user-controllable cache of some global data. The saving comes from reusing that shared data several times after you loaded it from global memory once.

      Shared memory is interleaved in banks so that some access patterns are faster than others.

    4. Warps in a block run asynchronously and run different instructions. They are scheduled and executed as resources are available.

    5. However they are all running the same instruction sequence, perhaps at different points in it.

    6. That is call SPMD, single program multiple data.

    7. The threads in a block can be synchonized with __syncthreads().

      Because of how warps are scheduled, that can be slow.

    8. The threads in a block can be arranged into a 3D array, up to 1024x1024x64.

      That is for convenience, and does not increase performance (I think).

    9. I'll talk about textures later.

  12. Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) - level resources:

    1. Each SM has 128 single-precision CUDA cores, 64 double-precision units, 32 special function units, and 32 load/store units.

    2. In total, the GPU has 2560 CUDA cores.

    3. A CUDA core is akin to an ALU. The cores, and all the units, are pipelined.

    4. A CUDA core is much less powerful than one core of an Intel Xeon. My guess is 1/20th.

    5. Beware that, in the CUDA C Programming Guide, NVidia sometimes calls an SM a core.

    6. The limited number of, e.g., double precision units means that an DP instruction will need to be scheduled several times for all the threads to execute it. That's why DP is slower.

    7. Each SM has 4 warp schedulers and 8 instruction dispatch units.

    8. 64 warps can simultaneously reside in an SM.

    9. Therefore up to 32x64=2048 threads can be executed in parallel by an SM.

    10. Up to 16 blocks that can simultaneously be resident in an SM.

      However, if each block uses too many resources, like shared memory, then this number is reduced.

      Each block sits on only one SM; no block is split. However a block's warps are executed asynchronously (until synced).

    11. Each SM has 64KiB (?) fast memory to be divided between shared memory and an L1 cache. Typically, 48KiB (96?) is used for the shared memory, to be divided among its resident blocks, but that can be changed.

    12. The 48KB L1 cache can cache local or global memory.

    13. Each SM has a read-only data cache of 48KB to cache the global constant memory.

    14. Each SM has 8 texture units, and many other graphics capabilities.

    15. Each SM has 256KB of L2 cache.

  13. Grid-level resources:

    1. The blocks in a grid can be arranged into a 3D array. up to \((2^{31}-1, 2^{16}-1, 2^{16}-1)\).
    2. Blocks in a grid might run on different SMs.
    3. Blocks in a grid are queued and executed as resources are available, in an unpredictable parallel or serial order. Therefore they should be independent of each other.
    4. The number of instructions in a kernel is limited.
    5. Any thread can stop the kernel by calling assert.
  14. Device-level resources:

    1. There is a large and slow 48GB global memory, which persists from kernel to kernel.

      Transactions to global memory are 128 bytes.

      Host memory can also be memory-mapped into global memory, although the I/O rate will be lower.

      Reading from global memory can take hundreds of cycles. A warp that does this will be paused and another warp started. Such context switching is very efficient. Therefore device throughput stays high, although there is a latency. This is called Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) and is a major reason for GPU performance.

      That assumes that an SM has enough active warps that there is always another warp available for execution. That is a reason for having warps that do not use all the resources (registers etc) that they're allowed to.

    2. There is a 2MB L2 cache, for sharing data between SMs.

    3. There is a 64KiB Small and fast global constant memory, , which also persists from kernel to kernel. It is implemented as a piece of the global memory, made fast with caches.

      (Again, I'm still resolving this apparent contradiction).

    4. Grid Management Unit (GMU) schedules (pauses, executes, etc) grids on the device. This is more important because grids can start other grids (Dynamic Parallelism).

    5. Hyper-Q: 32 simultaneous CPU tasks can launch kernels into the queue; they don't block each other. If one kernel is waiting, another runs.

    6. CUDA Work Distributor (CWD) dispatches 32 active grids at a time to the SMs. There may be 1000s of grids queued and waiting.

    7. GPU Direct: Other devices can DMA the GPU memory.

    8. The base clock is 1607MHz.

    9. GFLOPS: 8873.

    10. Memory bandwidth: 320GB/s

  15. GPU-level resources:

    1. Being a Geforce product, there are many graphics facilities that we're not using.
    2. There are 4 Graphics processing clusters (GPCs) to do graphics stuff.
    3. Several perspective projections can be computed in parallel, for systems with several displays.
    4. There's HW for texture processing.
  16. Generational changes:

    1. With each new version, Nvidia tweaks the numbers. Some get higher, others get lower.
      1. E.g., Maxwell had little HW for double precision, and so that was slow.
      2. Pascal's clock speed is much higher.
  17. Refs:

    1. The CUDA program deviceDrv.
    4. Better Performance at Lower Occupancy, Vasily Volkov, UC Berkeley, 2010.
    5. - well written but old.

    (I'll keep adding to this. Suggestions are welcome.)

6   More CUDA

  1. CUDA function qualifiers:

    1. __global__ device function called from host, starting a kernel.
    2. __device__ device function called from device function.
    3. __host__ (default) host function called from host function.
  2. CUDA variable qualifiers:

    1. __shared__
    2. __device__ global
    3. __device__ __managed__ automatically paged between host and device.
    4. __constant__
    5. (nothing) register if scalar, or local if array or if no more registers available.
  3. If installing CUDA on your machine, this repository seems best:

    That includes the Thrust headers but not example programs.

7   Unionfs: Linux trick of the day

  1. aka overlay FS, translucent FS.

  2. If a, b are directories, and m is an empty directory, then

    unionfs -o cow a=RW:b m

    makes m to be a combo of a and b, with a being higher priority

  3. Writing a file into m writes it in a.

  4. Changing a file in b writes the new version into a

  5. Deleting a file in b causes a white-out note to be stored in a.

  6. Unmount it thus:

    fusermount -u m

  7. None of this requires superuser.

  8. Application: making a read-only directory into a read-write directory.

  9. Note: IBM had a commercial version of this idea in its CP/CMS OS in the 1960s.

8   OpenCL

  1. Module 20.
  2. Apple's competition to CUDA.
  3. is largely CUDA but they changed the names.
  4. not interesting so long as Nvidia is dominant.

9   Nvidia GPU and accelated computing, ctd.

This material accompanies Programming Massively Parallel Processors A Hands-on Approach, Third Edition, David B. Kirk Wen-mei W. Hwu. I recommend it. (The slides etc are free but the book isn't.)

Finishing /parallel-class/GPU-Teaching-Kit-Accelerated-Computing, Module 21, OpenACC.

10   OpenACC

  1. Adds pragmas to C++ code, like OpenMP.

  2. Unlike OpenMP, targets accelerators, e.g., GPUs.

  3. Tries to be higher level than OpenMP.

  4. E.g., kernel pragma says to try to parallelize everything you can.

  5. Nevertheless, the more specific parallel pragma probably leads to better code.

  6. G++ does OpenACC badly.

  7. Use PGI compiler, which Nvidia bought.

  8. In parallel, I've installed it both directly and in a docker file.

  9. Good books:

    1. OpenACC for Programmers: Concepts and Strategies By: Sunita Chandrasekaran, Guido Juckeland kindle $31.19

    2. Parallel Programming with OpenACC By: Rob Farber kindle: $37.74