PAR Class 21, Mon 2019-04-01

2   Quantum computing on youtube

  1. Quantum Algorithms (2:52)

    Which problems can quantum computers solve exponentially faster than classical computers? David Gosset, IBM quantum computing research scientist, explains why algorithms are key to finding out.

  2. David Deutsch - Why is the Quantum so Strange? (8:43)

  3. Grover's Algorithm (9:57)

    An overview of Grover's Algorithm. An unstructured search algorithm that can find an item in a list much faster than a classical computer can. Several sources are listed.

  4. Bob Sutor demonstrates the IBM Q quantum computer (6:53)

  5. Can we make quantum technology work? | Leo Kouwenhoven | TEDxAmsterdam (18:19)

  6. "Spooky" physics | Leo Kouwenhoven | TEDxDelft (18:00)

3   Quantum computing


  1. Algorithms:
    1. Some, but not all, are faster.
    2. Bounded-error quantum polynomial time (BQP)
      1. "is the class of decision problems solvable by a quantum computer in polynomial time, with an error probability of at most 1/3 for all instances" -
      2. Includes integer factorization and discrete log.
      3. Relation to NP is unknown (big unsolved problem).
    3. Grover's algorithm:
      2. Given a black box with N inputs and 1 output.
      3. Exactly one input makes the output 1.
      4. Problem: which one?
      5. Classical solution: Try each input, T=N.
      6. Quantum: $T=\sqrt(N)$.
      7. Probabilistic.
      8. Apps: mean, median, reverse a crypto hash, find collisions, generate false blocks.
      9. Can extend to quantum partial search.
      10. Grover's algorithm is optimal.
      11. This suggests that NP is not in BQP .
    4. Shor's algorithm:
      1. Factorize an int.
      2. in BQP.
      3. almost exponentially faster than best classical algorithm.
      4. Largest examples I can find:
        1. 56153 = 233 × 241.
  2. ctd.