PAR Class 13, Mon 2019-02-25

Table of contents::

1   Thrust

  1. The github repository, with demo is .

    Nvidia's proprietary version is slightly newer.

  2. The most comprehensive doc is online at

    It is badly written and slightly obsolete.

  3. There are various tutorials online, most obsolescent. E.g., they don't use C++-11 lambdas, which are a big help.

  4. Look at some Thrust programs in /parallel-class/cuda/thrust

  5. Continue Stanford's parallel course notes.

    1. Lecture 8-: Thrust ctd.
  6. One Nvidia-sponsored alternative is agency, at .

  7. There are other alternatives that I'll mention later.

  8. The alternatives are lower-level (= faster and harder to use) and newer (= possibly less debugged, fewer users).