CG Class 2, Wed 2018-09-05

1   Piazza

We now have a class Piazza discussion . Post your non personal questions here. You are encouraged to answer other students' questions. Lingyu will monitor this and reply. I may answer questions that remain unanswered for too long.

2   Lingyu office hours

Tuesdays and Fridays during 5pm~6pm in the Flip Flop lounge, JEC6037. Please come around the start of the time.

4   Homework 1 notes

  1. You may use any (legal) webserver.
  2. If using, you may use any (legal) upload technique.
  3. Mac users: ssh to with terminal.
  4. Windows users: install putty. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to install SW on the classroom PC and so can't demo it.
  5. Linux: run ssh to login to
  6. For copying files:
    1. For a few small files, cut and paste.
    2. Windows: install winscp or filezilla.
    3. From inside your rcs account: wget copies the contents (files or dirs) specified by a URL.
    4. With an AFS client program, your RCS directory is read and writable from another computer. On linux, that's the openafs-client package.
    5. From any OS, you may be able to mount your RCS dir as a share thus: s .
  7. Other platforms: ?
  8. Today I'll demo the program in the homework and help in getting started.

5   Angel

  1. Angel's slides are here:
  2. Read week 1, sets 1-4 on your own.
  3. I'll do in class:
    1. Week 1, set 5, Image Formation