CG Class 16, Wed 2017-10-11

Review before tomorrow's midterm exam

  1. The exam may contain some recycled homework questions.
  2. The exam will contain material on rotations, but no quaternions or homogeneous coordinates.
  3. I got questions from:
    1. old exams
    2. my handwritten notes
    3. the class wiki
    4. my web pages mentioned in the class wiki, unless they were marked enrichment
    5. one or two things I said in class
  4. Here are several old exams, with some solutions. This year's topics will be slightly different, but will be largely the same. OTOH, since there are a finite number of electrons in the universe and they say that recycling is good, I'll recycle many of these questions.
    1. Midterm F2016.
    2. Midterm F2014, Midterm F2014 Solution
    3. Midterm F2013, Midterm F2013 Solution
    4. Midterm F2012, Midterm F2012 Solution
  5. You may bring in one 2-sided 8.5"x11" paper with notes. You may not share the material with each other during the exam. No collaboration or communication (except with the staff) is allowed.

Handwritten notes from class
