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PAR Class 7, Thu 2022-02-03

1 OpenACC concluded

I recommend OpenACC for Programmers: Concepts and Strategies By Sunita Chandrasekaran, Guido Juckeland. Informit, Amazon. Github.

Chapter 4 is online for free as PDF and html.

2 Nvidia GPU and accelerated computing

This is from

My local copy of what I'm using is in /parclass/2022/files/nvidia/

We'll spend several classes on this topic, speed reading through the slides.

3 Archivemount

This is today's programmer productivity tip, unrelated to parallel computing but generally useful.

Rather than explicitly extracting large zip archives or tarballs in order to read files in them, I use archivemount to create a virtual file system. This saves disk space. It doesn't stress git as much (fewer files). When reading, the I/O time is insignificantly increased. For some formats, you can even write. You can have more confidence that the zip file wasn't changed, than in a directory with perhaps hundreds of files.