IED Class 1, Thurs Jan 19

1   Websites

  1. This page is .

    It will have notes for IED section 6, MR12-2.

    It is maintained by W. Randolph Franklin and Glen Gross.

  2. LMS is at

  3. I showed this news story: Metric mishap caused loss of NASA orbiter. The point is that, on large projects, little details can cause disaster. That is the point of this course: to teach you procedures for managing large projects.

    My interest, as an RPI professor, is purely selfish. If you learn this, you have a better chance of getting rich. Then you'll be better able to buy RPI new performing arts centers or whatever.

2   Today

We covered the material in 01-02-1-Activity up thru Customer Reqs.

3   Student questions

For the mousetrap car, are we graded on max distance, or on accuracy for reaching exactly the prescribed distance?:
  Both. This is also true for the launcher. E.g., see the Launcher Competition Rules.
Where is the miniproject presentation?:
  The syllabus says in week 4. Each team gives a 4 minute presentation, and both partners must speak.
The columns on the Gantt chart say 2008?!:
  The first column is set by the date of the earliest task. Successive columns count up from that.