Introduction ------------ The GLFW documentation is written in LaTeX, which I have found is a great tool for handling large and long-lived documents, where clumbsy s.c. WYSIWYG word processors (especially one from a major moneymaking company) fails in several aspects (document integrity being a serious Achilles heel). Besides being powerful, LaTeX is also very attractive since all the necessary tools for dealing with LaTeX documentation are both free and ported to a wide variety of platforms. Another advantage is that the LaTeX files are written in plain text, which means that version handling systems such as CVS handle them perfectly, without having to treat the documents as binary files. Ok, so much for the LaTeX glory. Now to the GLFW documentation... The Documents ------------- There are two main documents: glfwrm.tex - The GLFW Reference Manual glfwug.tex - The GLFW Users Guide In addition, there is a common LaTeX style file, which sets up things such as page formatting and useful macros: glfwdoc.sty - Common GLFW document styles and macros Requirements ------------ Of course you need LaTeX installed on your system in order to compile the GLFW documentation. The easiest way to get a full LaTeX system is to download/get the TeXLive CD from It has all the necessary software for Windows, Mac OS X and most popular Unix flavours (including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, IRIX etc). A number of LaTeX packages have to be installed in order to compile the GLFW documentation successfully: color fancyhdr hyperref lastpage listings needspace textcase times titling These packages are all available on the TeXLive CD. Just make sure that you have checked all these packages when installing TeXLive, or get them in some other way if you do not have the TeXLive CD. Build Files ----------- For convenience, I have created a Makefile that will build PDF documents from the LaTeX files. It is nothing fancy, but handles things like up-to-date TOC generation. It can also be used for cleaning up most (all?) of the files generated by the Makefile, by calling 'make clean' (Unix) or 'make clean-win' (Windows). Since Windows does not have a portable 'rm -f' counterpart, a special cleanup batch file was created, which is called 'cleanup.bat' (it is called when 'make clean-win' is run). Good luck! Marcus