Setup For ES __________________________________________________________ This sample is different from the rest of the samples in this book since it requires an ES rendering environment. This document describes how to setup the sample with the Rasteroid ES emulator. Currently this rendering environment is only available for Microsoft Windows. __________________________________________________________ 1. Download and install Rasteroid 3.1 from: 2. Extract and install download. The installed structure should look something like: Rasteroid - - bin - doc - include - lib - samples 3. Copy the example directory to the Rasteroid directory. 4. The project uses the appkit.lib that gets compiled into samples\build\win32\Debug\appkit.lib If the lib is not present, you can build it by opening the appkit project in samples\build\win32 and building it. 5. Open the ES_example.dsp project in the example directory you just copied over. 6. Compile the project and run it to launch an ES application in a Microsoft Windows environment.