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Homework 2, due Thurs 2014-02-07

  1. Install CUDA on your linux system. The instructions are here: http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-getting-started-guide-for-linux/index.html
    Note the need to set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    Run nvcc -V .
  2. On 2014-01-30 I debugged omp_bug1.c, omp_bug2.c, omp_bug3.c, and, sort of, omp_bug4.c on https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/openMP/exercise.html.
    1. Finish exploring omp_bug4.c . Specifically, determine what combinations of the system stack size, accessed via ulimit, OpenMP stack size and system virtual memory work.
    2. Debug omp_bug5.c and omp_bug6.c
  3. I also demoed http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/heated_plate_openmp/ in class.
    1. Explore the parallel speed up. Run it with varying numbers of threads up to the max that your system allows and report the time.
    2. Remove the openmp include file, compile w/o -fopenmp and report the time. How does this compare to the OpenMP time with 1 processor?
  4. http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/cpp_src/dijkstra_openmp/ is a less regularly structured program.
    1. Explore its parallel speedup as a function of the number of threads.
    2. Explore the effect of varying scheduling strategies, by comparing static, dynamic, etc.
  5. Make up a program to test the efficiency of parallel sections. Write a program with 4 separate sections doing something compute bound; I don't care what. Use OpenMP with varying numbers of threads. Report your observations.