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The following omits most independent study courses and thesis supervision.

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics Fall 2016.

Fall 2015 - Spring 2016

On sabbatical and not teaching. Nevertheless, Computer Graphics. should follow approximately my course ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics Fall 2014

Teaching Techniques 2016, 4/27/2016

Spring 2015

ECSE-4965-01 Applied Parallel Computing for Engineers

Fall 2014

ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics Fall 2014

Spring 2014

ECSE-4965-01 Applied Parallel Computing for Engineers

Fall 2013

Computer Graphics Fall 2013

Spring 2013

ENGR-2050-4 IED Spring 2013, section 4.

Fall 2012

Computer Graphics, Fall 2012

Spring 2012

Intro to Engineering Design, Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Computer Graphics, Fall 2011

Spring 2011

Engineering Probability Spring, 2011

Fall 2010

CG10 Home Page

Spring 2010

  1. ECSE-2500 Engineering Probability, Spring 2010
  2. ECSE-2610 Computer Components & Operations (COCO), Spring 2010

Fall 2009

  1. ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics
  2. Assorted independent study courses

Spring 2009

  2. Assorted independent study courses
    1. ECSE-4940-21 Computer Graphics

Fall 2008

  1. ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics
  2. Assorted independent study courses
    1. CISH-6970-DH1 Professional Project
    2. CSCI-9990-28 Dissertation

Spring 2008

  1. 92598 ECSE-6800-01 ADV 3D GRAPHICS & VISUAL
  2. Assorted independent study courses
    1. CSCI-6940-15 Terrain Rep & Comp W/ PDES II
    2. CSCI-9990-12 Dissertation
    3. ECSE-4980-05 Senior Design Project
    4. ECSE-6940-13 Hydrological Terrain Modeling
    5. ECSE-6990-08 Masters Thesis/Project

Fall 2007

  1. ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics
  2. Assorted independent study courses
    1. ECSE-4940 NASA Calipso data processing

Spring 2007

Probability lectures (for Prof George Nagy)

Mon Jan 29 and Thurs Feb 1 lectures.

ECSE-6800 Advanced Computer Graphics and Visualization.

Cancelled This would have been 90% the same as when I taught it in Spring 2006. That course webpage is here.

Fall 2006

  1. course home page: ECSE-4750 Computer Graphics
  2. Assorted independent study courses
    If you would like to study a topic that we don't cover in a course, you may be able to do an independent study course in the topic, which I will sign off on, upon delivery of a project report. You get to pick the course title that will appear on your transcript.

Advice to students

  1. Advice To Grad Student Applicants
  2. Advice To Doctoral Candidacy Examinees
  3. Advice To DQE Examinees

Famous RPI graphics grads

Student projects

Note: This section is not updated as often as it should be.

  1. Possible Future Student Projects

Advice to job seekers


Textbook reviewing criteria

What type of textbook I'm more likely to use.

Teaching philosophy

Here (Jan 2007)

Student surveys of my courses

Here some IDEA student surveys, including comments.

  1. Computer Graphics, Fall 2009
  2. Advanced CG, Spring 2009
  3. Computer Graphics, Fall 2008