Many other people, primarily my students, worked at least as hard as I did. I am proud to name these students, who obtained postgraduate degrees under my supervision, here.
Doctoral Graduates
- Varol Akman, Shortest Paths Avoiding Polyhedral Obstacles in 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space, 1985. now at Bilkent University, Turkey.
- William S. Yerazunis, DIS-An Architecture for Fast Lisp Execution, 1987. MERL Cambridge Research
- Peter Yick Fai Wu, Polygon Overlay in Prolog, 1987. University of Pittsburgh
- Ernesto Guerrieri, A Methodology for Software Transportability, 1989. Died, 1/4/2007.
- Mohan Kankanhalli, Techniques for Parallel Geometric Computations, 1990. National University of Singapore
- Chandra Narayanaswami, Parallel Processing for Geometric Applications, 1991. Principal RSM, Chief Scientist and Senior Manager, IBM Commerce Research.
- Clark K. Ray, Representing Visibility for Siting Problems, 1994. formerly US Military Academy, West Point
- Victor Skowronski, Synthesizing Tolerances for Optimal Design Using the Taguchi Quality Loss Function, 1996. TASC, Inc.
- Michael B Gousie, Contours to Digital Elevation Models: Grid-based Surface Reconstruction Methods, 1998. Wheaton College.
- Helio Pedrini, An Adaptive Method for Terrain Surface Approximation Based on Triangular Meshes , 2000. Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Brazil.
- Linda Lim, Haptic and Multi-Modal Interaction for Teaching and Designing Basic Controls, 2004, Hudson Valley Community College
- Metin Inanc, Compressing Terrain Elevation Datasets, 2008.
- Dan Tracy, Path Planning and Slope Representation on Compressed Terrain, 2009.
- You Li, CUDA-accelerated HD-ODETLAP: a high dimensional geospatial data compression framework, July 2011. TD Bank.
- Chris Stuetzle, Representation and generation of terrain using mathematical modeling, July 2012. Merrimack College.
- Tsz-Yam (Eddie) Lau, Two-step ODETLAP and induced terrain framework for improved geographical data reconstruction, Nov 2012.
- Wenli Li, GPU-accelerated terrain processing, Aug 2016.
- Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, Exact and parallel intersection of 3D triangular meshes, Dec 2017. Federal University of Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Masters Graduates
(including both theses and projects).
- Leong Shin Loong, Hidden Sphere Algorithm, 1979.
- Abel Shi Lo, Hidden Surface Algorithm, 1979.
- Steve Lord, Upgrading of the U.S.M.A. Wargame, 1979.
- Lih-Chung Chia, Padded List, 1981.
- Quei-Her Lee, An Algorithm for the Calculation of Polyhedron Coordinates from Dihedral Angles, 1981.
- Gerald L. Delisle, A Computerized Script Specification System for an Interactive Videodisk Based Maintenance Scenario, 1981.
- Terrance Nicholson, and
- Steve Wong, A Tactical Model Simulation for 3-Dimensional Look-Alike Sonar Trainers, 1981.
- Mark A. Johnson, Computer Controlled Ultrasonic Inspection of Cannon Tubes.
- Clark Ray, Facilitating the Development of Large Programs on Microcomputer Systems, 1981.
- Chien-Min Wan, A Computer Program for the Shading Sphere Algorithm, 1981.
- David Chris Arney, Implementing the Variable Grid Searching Algorithm, 1982.
- Dipak Shah, The Geometrical Properties of Objects, 1982.
- Robert Poueau Shen, Geometric Editor for Kepler System, 1982.
- Frank Kastenholz, Rational Basic Preprocessor, 1982.
- Kee Hong Lai, Design and Implementation of Algorithms in Solid Modeling Using Rays, 1982.
- Esther O. Buschak, AEDPAK - Low Level Routines for the AED512, 1982.
- Lu Chung, Real Time Rigid Body Motion on the Adage GP-435 System, 1983.
- Robert W. Dworak Jr., and
- Michael W. Rivenburg, Reconfigurable System Module, 1983.
- Peter Yick Fai Wu, Modelling Face Details in the Boundary Representation Scheme of Polyhedral Solids, 1983.
- Philip J. Lohr, Interface and Control Design for a Computer Aided Thermal Engineering Systems, 1983.
- Joe Ho, A Ratfor Preprocessor for Fortran 77, 1984.
- Colin Verrilli, One Source Voronoi Diagrams with Barriers - A Computer Implementation, 1984.
- Karen L. Sonin, A Prototype Development Environment for Real Time Control Applications, 1984.
- Martin Meyer, Improvement of Software Quality Using a Relational Database, 1984.
- Naoki Urano, Implementation of a 3-D Surface Digitizing Algorithm, 1984.
- Scott D. Culp, Spinwriter Tech/Math Wheel Text Formatter, 1984.
- Chung-Man Felin Fung, DeAnza Software, 1984.
- Joaquin Bartra, Computer Implementation of 2-D Voronoi Diagrams, 1985.
- David Kass, Mapping a Hierarchical Block Circuit Description to a True Exploded Network Instance Tree, 1985.
- Sumitro Samaddar, An Expert System for Photo Interpretation, 1985.
- Margaret Nichols, A Prolog Implementation of the Graphics Kernel System, 1985.
- Madeline Morrow, Design and Implementation of a Text Processing System for Personal Computers, 1986.
- Gautam Shroff, EXPLOT: A Software Tool for Analyzing Expert Systems, 1987.
- Dave Hamann, Octree Object Creation and Storage, 1987.
- Rahul Bansal, Debugging, Testing, and Maintaining Expert Systems, 1987.
- Elissa Gilbert, Software Tools for the Testing and Maintenance of Expert Systems, 1987.
- Chandrasekhar Narayanaswami, and
- Manoj Seshan, The Efficiency of Uniform Grids for Computing Intersections, 1987.
- Mohan Kankanhalli, The Uniform Grid Technique for Fast Line Interaction on Parallel Machines, 1988.
- Gary A. Crocker, Boundary Evaluation of Solid Models, Algorithm Study and Implementation, 1988.
- David Sun, Implementation of a Fast Map Overlay Program in C, 1989.
- Alok Prakash, Using Abstraction Induced by Substitution Partition for Planning, 1987.
- Ian McLeod, System Design of an Embedded Real Time Simulation/Simulation System, 1990.
- George Kastrinakis, The Ada Software Architecture of a Distributed, Embedded, Real- Time Simulation/Simulation System, 1990.
- Venkateshkumar Sivaswami, Point Inclusion Testing in Polygons and Point Location in Planar Graphs Using the Uniform Grid Technique, 1990.
- James TenBrink, The Maintenance of Voronoi Diagrams Imposed Upon Moving Point Sets, 1991.
- Thomas G. Nogles, A Software Design Approach for Real-Time Ada-Based Systems, 1991.
- Tricia J. Beardslee, The Hierarchical Hybrid Parallel Computing Method for Message- Passing Architectures and its Application to CT Reconstruction, 1991.
- Dragana Pavlovic, InterViews Tutorial, 1991.
- Andrew Oelkers, An Automatic Software Unit Test Generator, 1992.
- Lori Schimanski, The Use of Software Scheduling Algorithms in the Development of Real Time Ada Software, 1992.
- Cheok Hee, The Cross Area Problem in Cartography, 1992.
- Chris Volpe, Visualization, Animation, and Graphics Environment, 1992.
- Sriram Gopalakrishnan, Volume of Material Drilled by an NC Drill Using Union of Polyhedra, 1995.
- Kenneth B. Martinez, Computer Representation of Terrain Mappings, 1995.
- Michael Martincich, Development of Contour Following Algorithms to Implement Inexpensive Immersion Based Ultrasonic Inspections of Turbine-Generator Components, 1995.
- Nils S Loehner-Boeffel, Implementing Network Security, 1996.
- John Childs, Development of A Two-Level Iterative Computational Method for Solution of the Franklin Approximation Algorithm for the Interpolation of Large Contour Line Data Sets, 2003.
- Christian Vogt, Siting Multiple Observers On Digital Elevation Maps Of Various Resolutions 2004.
- Zhongyi Xie, Representation, Compression and Progressive Transmission of Digital Terrain Data Using Over-Determined Laplacian Partial Differential Equations, 2008.
- Jared Stookey, Parallel Terrain Compression and Reconstruction, 2008.
- Jon Muckell, Evaluating and Compressing Hydrology on Simplified Terrain, 2008.
- Nathan LeStage, Genetic Algorithm Tuning: Overcoming Diversity Loss in Tournament Selection, 2009.
- Luke Perkins, An Integrated Approach to Choke Point Detection and Region Decomposition, 2010.
- Jeffrey Sult, Computational analysis of first-person shooter levels, Apr 2011.
- Michael J Snyder, Using The HTML5 Canvas Element For A Web-Based Multi-User Painting Application, Apr 2011.
- Dan Benedetti, CUDA-accelerated ODETLAP: A parallel compression implementation for multidimensional data, May 2014. Thesis.
- David Hedin, NearptD: A Parallel Implementation of Exact Nearest Neighbor Search using a Uniform Grid, July 2016. Project.