W. Randolph Franklin and Eric Landis.
Connected components on 1000x1000x1000 datasets.
In 16th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry. Smith College, Northampton, MA, 10-11 Nov 2006.
(extended abstract).
[full text] [slides]
author = "Franklin, W. Randolph and Landis, Eric",
title = "Connected components on 1000x1000x1000 datasets",
booktitle = "16th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry",
address = "Smith College, Northampton, MA",
month = "10-11 Nov",
year = "2006",
mykey = "connect",
note = "(extended abstract)",
customlinkslides = "https://wrfranklin.org/p/110-smith-fwcg06-connect-talk.pdf",
href = "\bibhrefat{110-smith-fwcg06-connect}{110-smith-fwcg06-connect-talk}"
Full Text