WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.099 Silence. 2 00:00:05.099 --> 00:00:12.718 Silence. 3 00:00:14.548 --> 00:00:25.469 Silence. 4 00:00:27.719 --> 00:00:32.759 Silence. 5 00:00:42.240 --> 00:00:58.590 Silence. 6 00:01:06.060 --> 00:01:10.799 Okay, good afternoon. Everyone this is. 7 00:01:10.799 --> 00:01:16.709 Class 14 quantum computer programming and. 8 00:01:16.709 --> 00:01:20.010 Again, just to make an audio check. 9 00:01:22.290 --> 00:01:35.665 Are you okay, so I have a chat. Hey, thank you. Just so I have a chat window open to my side. So, in theory you can post questions at any time. 10 00:01:35.665 --> 00:01:39.474 Don't wait for the end of anything. We can make things interactive. I'm not. 11 00:01:40.019 --> 00:01:52.349 Trying to wake people up by forcing you to ask questions, but you're certainly welcome to now what is happening today if the hardware works. 12 00:01:53.519 --> 00:01:58.590 And see here. 13 00:02:01.170 --> 00:02:04.200 Cool. 14 00:02:06.420 --> 00:02:10.110 Hey, wow. It actually sort of works, um. 15 00:02:10.405 --> 00:02:24.865 Really? It's working well, continuing on talking about hardware. So look at how this course has progressed doing is like, the progression of the history also doing the theory. 16 00:02:24.865 --> 00:02:37.585 1st and some algorithms because the theory and the allegations were developed there weren't real quantum computers. And now we're getting into the hardware of how they're actually being built and the field is still young. 17 00:02:37.615 --> 00:02:40.645 So that there are several competing different types of hardware. 18 00:02:41.909 --> 00:02:52.020 It will possibly shake out and some time, and the 1 type of hardware will become so much better than the others that you won't hear about the others. But we're still in this initial stage. 19 00:02:52.020 --> 00:03:00.719 At the start, so I had some general slides videos last time. So running through what. 20 00:03:00.719 --> 00:03:05.789 So, today I'm going to show you videos because or they're showing your stuff. I cannot easily talk about. 21 00:03:05.789 --> 00:03:11.969 And I got props and sides and so on and you never know suddenly much better speakers. And I am. 22 00:03:11.969 --> 00:03:15.449 And so we're going to have something talking about. 23 00:03:15.449 --> 00:03:19.949 Hardware something called a trend small and Cupid. 24 00:03:19.949 --> 00:03:31.740 And just a reminder in this video, they'll talk about things, the Hamel, Tony and and to oversimplify the Hamel Tony of a system is the. 25 00:03:31.740 --> 00:03:42.025 Is its energy so kinetic plus potential energy and it depends on that. Some for example, it's speed and kinetic energy. Depends on your speed. 26 00:03:42.025 --> 00:03:54.444 Potential energy depends on your position and actually for quantum mechanics. You've got Southerners equation and involves a hammer. Tony, and it talks about how the energy of the system depends on how these things. 27 00:03:54.750 --> 00:03:59.639 Change so if you're in a gravitational field, you get lower, you're. 28 00:03:59.639 --> 00:04:02.939 Potential energy decreases and so on so. 29 00:04:03.264 --> 00:04:17.995 That's what the Hamel telling you is, it's equation and you can derive the behavior of a system in terms of the Hamel, Tony and equation and derivatives. You can get different differential equations for how the energy depends on changes. And. 30 00:04:18.269 --> 00:04:23.579 Its position, its momentum and so on. And actually, this is. 31 00:04:23.579 --> 00:04:31.408 An equivalent way to describing the behavior of a system. Like, you've got noone's equations about. 32 00:04:31.408 --> 00:04:43.798 You know, velocity is conserved unless you have a force and so it's handled tony's alternative way to do that, which has certain advantages in certain cases and you can. 33 00:04:43.798 --> 00:04:52.858 Free to look it up. If you want certain advantages, it can handle constraints in a system the more easily perhaps in Newtonian. 34 00:04:52.858 --> 00:04:58.019 Um, if you got a ball rolling on a surface and you want to say, how does it's. 35 00:04:58.019 --> 00:05:11.428 How fast is it accelerate? It rolls down the curved inclined plane. Perhaps the Hamel, Tony, and in some cases might make it easier to do the math and a Newton than using Newton's equations directly because. 36 00:05:11.428 --> 00:05:21.059 You have to work in the constraints of the ball is on the incline plane, and perhaps the ball is not slipping and so on. Okay. So, and then we'll talk about. 37 00:05:21.564 --> 00:05:34.074 We've a long video here we'll see Alexander play will see part of it and now getting into more current stuff. And so these are very deep technical talks. I'll just point you to them. 38 00:05:34.403 --> 00:05:37.553 If you're interested the American Physical society. 39 00:05:38.249 --> 00:05:53.069 7 months ago, current, this year's meeting and I have the abstract included. Here's the whole session on it. So this 1, if you want to get into more detail, if you think I'm being too superficial with you, then you're free to look at that. 40 00:05:53.069 --> 00:06:07.379 And the next 1, I'll talk about, I'll show 10 minutes of the thing. So, in a sense, the cube, it's like artificial atoms and they've quantum property. So we'll see 10 minutes of that. 41 00:06:07.379 --> 00:06:19.408 Now, I showed you some videos on the Q tech academy in depth. So I hear I just have a link to their home page. So you can they got a lot of videos tutorial material. 42 00:06:19.408 --> 00:06:24.178 Okay, so then the next thing is, as there's time I'll talk about D, waves. 43 00:06:24.533 --> 00:06:34.764 Computer, which is a different process called quantum annealing so we've got a couple of videos on how D wave works and the last 1. I'll just show part of it. 44 00:06:34.764 --> 00:06:41.483 And then if you're just said, you can follow on on that, and then in addition to the videos, there are some. 45 00:06:43.019 --> 00:06:50.608 Got some slides here this, this page here actually has a started slides and. 46 00:06:50.608 --> 00:06:54.959 This is presented in principals of parallel computing conference a year ago. 47 00:06:56.783 --> 00:07:11.334 Okay, now so what's going to happen in future lecture next few lectures we're getting back. So now we've had hardware now we'll be getting back to some algorithm some applications and some got some nice description to that. So we'll go to the kiss. 48 00:07:11.334 --> 00:07:16.103 Could announce that page to talk about some algorithms and so on. 49 00:07:16.379 --> 00:07:21.899 And if you're still confused about quantum computing, Microsoft is a nice long. 50 00:07:21.899 --> 00:07:22.228 Um, 51 00:07:22.223 --> 00:07:25.163 video hour and a half long on now, 52 00:07:25.163 --> 00:07:25.853 the title's, 53 00:07:25.853 --> 00:07:27.653 the same as the textbook, 54 00:07:27.894 --> 00:07:29.514 but the speaker is different, 55 00:07:29.903 --> 00:07:33.923 but I think it presents things nicely and you, 56 00:07:33.983 --> 00:07:37.584 you're free if you still would like a more solid grounding. 57 00:07:37.584 --> 00:07:38.274 If you're a little. 58 00:07:39.028 --> 00:07:43.949 Uncertain at the foundations of your understanding, you might go to this. 59 00:07:43.949 --> 00:07:58.613 Book here any case, we'll see that another thing I've got some, another homework up and this is about several weeks ago. I walked you through programming the IBM queue. Now this homework is for you to do it. 60 00:07:58.613 --> 00:08:02.363 Yourself and this is from a tutorial that was at. 61 00:08:03.059 --> 00:08:09.778 Parallel programming principals conference and the idea is for you to read it and. 62 00:08:09.778 --> 00:08:13.228 Load and try some exercises and print out. 63 00:08:13.228 --> 00:08:22.048 The dogs just exercise was enough information to make it obvious that you could get it to work and just stop at this page here. 64 00:08:22.584 --> 00:08:32.783 So, you can go through, it's got slides. It's got examples. These are Python examples. So, watch the slides, create a kiss, get account. 65 00:08:32.813 --> 00:08:45.864 If you haven't and go through and then take this and run this thing, you might notice further down here. There's stuff about D wave and this might some of this might turn into next week's homework. 66 00:08:46.109 --> 00:08:56.578 So you'd be able to say on your resume that you programmed and if you program to D wave, and then at the end of this course, maybe you program Googles. So you'd be able to say. 67 00:08:56.578 --> 00:09:00.989 We programmed the big 3 or something. Okay. 68 00:09:00.989 --> 00:09:09.719 So, there's no questions so let's see a little about hardware here. 69 00:09:09.719 --> 00:09:18.028 And again, I'm taking it on trust that the audio will come through on this. If it doesn't end. 70 00:09:18.683 --> 00:09:32.994 Let me know, and I'm almost at the point, or I'm going to download the YouTube video separately without the ads, but I haven't quite had time to do that. Yet. Anyone wants to recommend a good ad blocker for you to. 71 00:09:33.298 --> 00:09:39.149 Yes, I would be glad to know about it. 72 00:09:39.149 --> 00:09:44.249 Silence. 73 00:09:44.249 --> 00:09:53.639 Silence. 74 00:09:53.639 --> 00:10:01.109 Getting the superconducting quantum circuits, or specifically quantum computing with transplant quantum bits or Cubans. 75 00:10:01.109 --> 00:10:11.428 In the circuit quantum electro dynamics, architecture superconducting Cubics differ in 2 important ways from truly quantum 2 level systems provided to us by nature. 76 00:10:11.428 --> 00:10:15.119 Such as the spin of electron or the span of certain. 77 00:10:15.119 --> 00:10:19.349 Like, carbon, 13 or Silicon 21st. 78 00:10:19.349 --> 00:10:23.458 There are multi level systems, not only the electronic levels in atoms. 79 00:10:23.458 --> 00:10:27.599 Multi level quantum systems can be used effectively as Cuba. It. 80 00:10:27.599 --> 00:10:30.869 By confining all dynamics to quantum levels. 81 00:10:30.869 --> 00:10:34.198 Usually the ground and the 1st, excited state of the system. 82 00:10:34.198 --> 00:10:38.788 2nd, these are circuits that we fabricate ourselves. 83 00:10:38.788 --> 00:10:44.129 This has advantages and disadvantages on the bright side. We have freedom to design. 84 00:10:44.129 --> 00:10:48.028 In a sense, we can play God designing artificial atoms. 85 00:10:48.028 --> 00:10:52.979 However, fabrication, uncertainty keeps us from making any the same. 86 00:10:52.979 --> 00:10:57.568 For this reason, you'd like to say that Cubans have individual personality. 87 00:10:57.568 --> 00:11:02.668 Well, the form of the describing them content mechanically is well known. 88 00:11:02.668 --> 00:11:07.288 The parameters of this Hamilton can not be perfectly targeted in fabrication. 89 00:11:07.288 --> 00:11:11.038 This is interesting implications for scaling up our quantum processors. 90 00:11:11.038 --> 00:11:14.428 Which I will discuss in a later video, but back to the design. 91 00:11:15.688 --> 00:11:22.438 Superconducting cubic generally consist of superconducting electrodes or islands that are interconnected by Joseph's injections. 92 00:11:22.438 --> 00:11:26.849 Tanya typically consists of 2 now commuting contributions. 93 00:11:26.849 --> 00:11:32.729 1, capacitive and 1 in the 1st turns to localize the Cooper pairs. 94 00:11:32.729 --> 00:11:36.448 And the 2nd favorite 3rd tunnelling from 1 island to another. 95 00:11:36.448 --> 00:11:42.328 In other words, they're helping their access numerous varieties of superconducting Cubans. 96 00:11:42.328 --> 00:11:47.129 The charged cubic flux, Cupid face cube it sodium. 97 00:11:47.129 --> 00:11:52.558 And many more these Cubans differ in terms of the number of superconducting islands. 98 00:11:52.558 --> 00:11:58.558 The number of junctions, and also quite importantly, the relative energy scales of the capacity and inducting. 99 00:11:59.818 --> 00:12:05.278 Typically superconducting Cuba it's working the frequency range between 4 and 8 gigahertz approximately. 100 00:12:05.278 --> 00:12:08.609 This frequency, let's call it 0 1. 101 00:12:08.609 --> 00:12:12.869 Is related via planck's constant to the energy difference. Easy 1. 102 00:12:12.869 --> 00:12:16.619 Between the quantum levels that we assign a state 0T and 1. 103 00:12:17.849 --> 00:12:24.448 0, 1 is also the frequency of the micro process that we will need to induce comparing transitions between levels. 104 00:12:25.979 --> 00:12:30.629 In this course, we will focus on the transport, a derivative of the charged cubic. 105 00:12:30.629 --> 00:12:35.009 The transplant is the superconducting Cuba that we specialize on the. 106 00:12:38.068 --> 00:12:42.989 In its simplest form, the transmen consists of 2 islands interconnected by 1 junction. 107 00:12:42.989 --> 00:12:47.639 Those of you familiar with circuits, particularly the electrical engineers. 108 00:12:47.639 --> 00:12:53.428 Will recognize that the transplant looks well, just like a parallel combination of 1 capacitor and 1 doctor. 109 00:12:53.428 --> 00:12:59.458 In other words, this gets us most of the way there. So let's take a look. 110 00:13:02.428 --> 00:13:07.739 The Hamilton for the so later consists of 2 terms that are each quite driving with respect to 1. 111 00:13:07.739 --> 00:13:12.178 Capacitive term is quadratic on the charge accumulated on 1 island. 112 00:13:12.178 --> 00:13:18.599 The opposite charges accumulator India the inductive term is quadratic on the flex to the doctor. 113 00:13:18.599 --> 00:13:24.298 This charge, and this flux do not commute. In fact, they are economically conjugate variables. 114 00:13:24.298 --> 00:13:30.568 A direct correspondence between this Hamilton can be made to that of the simple harmonic oscillator. 115 00:13:30.568 --> 00:13:33.899 By mapping flux to the position of the mass. 116 00:13:33.899 --> 00:13:46.408 And charge to the masses momentum. Physics students will not be surprised to learn that the spectrum of the month. I still see, also later is perfectly harmonic levels are equally spaced in energy. 117 00:13:46.408 --> 00:13:49.528 This equal spacing is given by a familiar formula. 118 00:13:49.528 --> 00:13:55.528 1, overrule LLC, but unfortunately a harmonic spectrum does not a good to make. 119 00:13:55.528 --> 00:13:59.399 It is very difficult to confine the dynamics to just 2 levels. 120 00:13:59.399 --> 00:14:03.538 So, leakage out of the cubic space is a permanent threat. 121 00:14:03.538 --> 00:14:08.458 That is why the transplant differs from the later in a fundamental way. 122 00:14:08.458 --> 00:14:12.869 In the transport inductance is provided by a Joseph's injunction. 123 00:14:12.869 --> 00:14:19.229 And not by a typical coil and doctor inductive energy for the junction is not quadratic. 124 00:14:19.229 --> 00:14:22.948 But, of course, I'm function of the generalized flux through it. 125 00:14:24.298 --> 00:14:32.188 This difference has important consequences for the spectrum. It disrupts the harmonic spectrum in ways that are very practical. 126 00:14:32.188 --> 00:14:36.928 At typical parameter values deep in the so called. 127 00:14:36.928 --> 00:14:41.458 Where the energy scale of the inductive term is much larger than that of the charging term. 128 00:14:41.458 --> 00:14:45.538 And let's say for a frequency of 0, 1 of about 6 gigahertz. 129 00:14:45.538 --> 00:14:51.869 The transition if 1, 2 from the 1st, to the 2nd excited state is lower by approximately. 130 00:14:51.869 --> 00:14:57.178 300 megahertz, this difference is sufficient in practice to confine the dynamics. 131 00:14:57.178 --> 00:15:02.099 So the 2 lowest levels, our cubic sub phase, when performing single cubic Gates. 132 00:15:02.099 --> 00:15:05.129 With policies of duration about 20 seconds. 133 00:15:05.129 --> 00:15:08.729 Brian will discuss the implementation of single cubic gates in detail. 134 00:15:10.229 --> 00:15:13.589 As a final note, we build our transplant not from 1. 135 00:15:13.589 --> 00:15:21.839 But 2, Joseph's injections in parallel, this gives us the possibility to tune the inductive element. And thereby also the Cuba transition frequency. 136 00:15:21.839 --> 00:15:26.068 By spreading a magnetic flux through the loop defined by the 2 junctions. 137 00:15:26.068 --> 00:15:30.778 We can do this independently for each Cuba and I'm now 2nd time tickets. 138 00:15:30.778 --> 00:15:34.318 This capability is the workforce enabling, took your big Gates. 139 00:15:34.318 --> 00:15:37.948 Other than I will present these in a later video. 140 00:15:37.948 --> 00:15:41.639 Sure. 141 00:15:50.548 --> 00:15:54.749 Watch this part of this, the start of this 1 here. 142 00:15:54.749 --> 00:15:57.989 Obviously, not all of it, but. 143 00:15:57.989 --> 00:16:08.009 Blog. 144 00:16:10.349 --> 00:16:18.028 Silence. 145 00:16:24.658 --> 00:16:29.249 So everyone and thanks for invitation to speak at this call. 146 00:16:29.249 --> 00:16:36.869 Um, so, 1st of all my goal is not to go through all of my slides, but my goal is for you guys to understand something. So. 147 00:16:36.869 --> 00:16:40.078 Please stop me anytime in the. 148 00:16:40.078 --> 00:16:45.448 Uh, the, the person's in front of me that I can go over time as much as I want anyway. 149 00:16:45.448 --> 00:16:49.798 So, it's fine, so please stop me at any time with with questions. 150 00:16:49.798 --> 00:16:54.869 So, I'm going to talk about using supervisory thing circuits for quantum information. 151 00:16:54.869 --> 00:17:00.089 Processing okay, so 1st of all, let's start very basic by something. You already know. 152 00:17:00.089 --> 00:17:05.009 Uh, but it's this will put the context around what I am going to talk about. 153 00:17:05.009 --> 00:17:09.209 So, what is the challenge here when we are thinking about. 154 00:17:09.209 --> 00:17:13.499 Permission processing and eventually building a quantum information processor. 155 00:17:13.499 --> 00:17:18.358 So 1st of all, we of course, and you all know that we need Cubans. 156 00:17:18.358 --> 00:17:22.709 You need quantum systems, which well defined. 157 00:17:22.709 --> 00:17:26.278 Levels 2 levels to family. 158 00:17:26.278 --> 00:17:31.858 And we would like to be able to control these Cubans with single unitary Gates. 159 00:17:31.858 --> 00:17:38.128 See, my expectations, for example, we of course need lots of these documents. 160 00:17:38.128 --> 00:17:44.429 I have a few minutes that don't talk to each other. That's boring. So we need these give us to interact with each other in some way or the other. 161 00:17:44.429 --> 00:17:48.058 To eventually and Tango these 2 bits of. 162 00:17:48.058 --> 00:17:52.469 Eventually all of these students, and at the end of the day, we need to. 163 00:17:52.469 --> 00:17:58.348 Re, out something from this computation thing, a bunch of zeros and ones which corresponds to the. 164 00:17:58.348 --> 00:18:04.949 And so to the population, this is, of course, is quite challenging because here we are asking for. 165 00:18:04.949 --> 00:18:08.009 Conflicting requirement 1st, we like these gates. 166 00:18:08.009 --> 00:18:13.769 To be super efficient, super fast. So of course quantum computers. 167 00:18:13.769 --> 00:18:18.479 Uh, are having benefits from exponential speed ups for certain task. 168 00:18:18.479 --> 00:18:22.048 But we still would like every gate to be relatively fast. 169 00:18:22.048 --> 00:18:26.999 And that means that need to be able to act on a cube very strongly. 170 00:18:26.999 --> 00:18:30.898 In the same way, we like this without process to be super efficient. 171 00:18:30.898 --> 00:18:35.038 We'd like to obtain information these zeroes and ones. 172 00:18:35.038 --> 00:18:39.808 Before they change before, for example, 1 turned into a 0T spontaneously. 173 00:18:39.808 --> 00:18:43.048 By the processes that you've heard about from the location yesterday. 174 00:18:43.048 --> 00:18:46.679 So, we would like our read out just to be strongly. 175 00:18:46.679 --> 00:18:50.489 To our Cubans, but at the same time, we'll want our cubes to be. 176 00:18:50.489 --> 00:18:54.659 Very coherent 1. is that all to be very sharp? We want this. 177 00:18:54.659 --> 00:18:58.348 This 0T in the position of 0T and wants to stay. 178 00:18:58.348 --> 00:19:02.878 Query and for a long time and so we would like our Cuba to be uncovered from everything. 179 00:19:02.878 --> 00:19:06.598 So this is the contracting these are the conflicting requirements. 180 00:19:06.598 --> 00:19:09.749 This is why this is difficult, but this is also why this is interesting. 181 00:19:09.749 --> 00:19:12.898 Okay, and in this doc. 182 00:19:12.898 --> 00:19:17.009 I will present to you 1 approach to realize this dream. 183 00:19:17.009 --> 00:19:22.108 Which is based on events, which are, will always also called artificial atoms. 184 00:19:22.108 --> 00:19:28.798 So, keywords, I can show that those have all systems to me. The same thing for me during this time. 185 00:19:28.798 --> 00:19:34.528 Okay, so I will start by saying you need a few words about potential ad downs. How can you. 186 00:19:34.528 --> 00:19:39.479 Build these artificial atoms, and if you build them other than the BA, actually in the app. 187 00:19:39.479 --> 00:19:45.509 Then I'll introduce an architecture circuit TV where you can hook up a bunch of these artificial atoms. 188 00:19:45.509 --> 00:19:48.749 And eventually do computation. I'll show. 189 00:19:48.749 --> 00:19:52.019 1, 1, such example of a. 190 00:19:52.019 --> 00:19:55.919 Simple competition, which has been realized with these artificial. 191 00:19:55.919 --> 00:20:03.479 And then I'll talk about future directions and challenges, although at that point, you probably the future direction you'll be. 192 00:20:03.479 --> 00:20:07.949 Thinking about this, probably lunch, but I'll pass your attention and. 193 00:20:07.949 --> 00:20:12.269 I'll show you where this is going. Okay so, artificial adjunct. 194 00:20:13.378 --> 00:20:24.058 So, 1st, let's review what we've already yesterday and, uh, Chris Monroe stock. So he talked about actual atoms. I'll call them here just to be super precise atomic atoms. 195 00:20:24.058 --> 00:20:29.669 That's fine for everyone. So we have artificial downs and we also have atomic atoms. 196 00:20:29.669 --> 00:20:35.878 And what is great is these atoms as loans have sharpening J levels. 197 00:20:35.878 --> 00:20:39.749 And it will say that 2 of these levels to be 0T than once. 198 00:20:39.749 --> 00:20:44.699 Okay, and something else, which is fantastic from these atoms. 199 00:20:44.699 --> 00:20:49.048 Is that their energy separations between the various levels? Is this thing. 200 00:20:49.048 --> 00:20:52.378 So, for example, the 0, 1 energy, a defense. 201 00:20:52.378 --> 00:20:56.159 Which I'm calling from 0T on here and frequency units is different. 202 00:20:56.159 --> 00:21:02.278 From Omega 1, 2 and what does that mean? But that means that if you want to control. 203 00:21:02.278 --> 00:21:05.459 The internal state of this. 204 00:21:05.459 --> 00:21:10.528 Using a laser for example, so just shine the bright laser as we've heard yesterday of the setup. 205 00:21:10.528 --> 00:21:13.919 And the typo moment as we again, yesterday. 206 00:21:13.919 --> 00:21:18.598 The type of moment of this Atom, a couple of to the electric sealed. 207 00:21:18.598 --> 00:21:26.068 Of the laser, and you will choose the laser to be at the 0, 1 condition frequency to the color. 208 00:21:26.068 --> 00:21:29.249 Of the laser, the frequency of the wave of these things are. 209 00:21:29.249 --> 00:21:32.338 To match this energy and in which case. 210 00:21:32.338 --> 00:21:37.888 You and use this, or if you have a sequence to sequence of navigate. 211 00:21:37.888 --> 00:21:43.378 You prefer this thing and because oh, my God 0, 1 is not equal to only got 1 2. 212 00:21:43.378 --> 00:21:49.648 There is very little leakage or no, the kids at all you stay in the 0T on some space and there's never the right. 213 00:21:49.648 --> 00:21:54.659 I mean, this laser is never providing the right energy for you to go from for the system to go from 1 to 2. 214 00:21:54.659 --> 00:21:58.919 So, you stay within the 0, 1 subspace. That's why this is a good. 215 00:21:58.919 --> 00:22:03.808 How good is it? Well, we agree that that 1 times. 216 00:22:03.808 --> 00:22:07.919 The T1 time you heard from Bill yesterday basically, if you can. 217 00:22:07.919 --> 00:22:12.028 The once they, how much time will it take to go back to the 0T States? Continuously? 218 00:22:12.028 --> 00:22:18.808 This can be a few years. I actually would like to see a measurement of this if you want to find at some point that. 219 00:22:18.808 --> 00:22:22.949 There's the smiling in the back. Yeah. 220 00:22:22.949 --> 00:22:28.108 We could use 2 or 3 post access to a lifetime to imagine this 1. 221 00:22:28.108 --> 00:22:31.199 Then, um. 222 00:22:31.199 --> 00:22:38.368 Which is much time with our superposition of 0T plus 1 state phase. What I'm going to say. 223 00:22:38.368 --> 00:22:42.239 Would say, 0T plus 1 before it goes to 0T minus 1, for example. 224 00:22:42.239 --> 00:22:46.199 That can be there are several seconds and that's fantastic. 225 00:22:46.199 --> 00:22:49.199 It's especially fantastic if you combine this with the fact that. 226 00:22:49.199 --> 00:22:54.328 Doing these gates preparing any civil position of 0T and 1 it's short except few microseconds. 227 00:22:54.328 --> 00:23:01.828 So, if you compare combine these 2 things, you'll find experimentally actually, from so called benchmarking protocol. 228 00:23:01.828 --> 00:23:05.249 You find that error brigade is small percent. 229 00:23:05.249 --> 00:23:08.759 So, you can do any single inhibit gates with very little error. 230 00:23:08.759 --> 00:23:12.358 And that's that's fantastic. That's why these make sense. I'm very fantastic for it. 231 00:23:12.358 --> 00:23:16.798 Quantum information processing. Okay. What about artificial atoms? 232 00:23:16.798 --> 00:23:20.189 Would like to use a standard toolkit of circuit. 233 00:23:20.189 --> 00:23:24.388 Standard circuit elements, and now create something. 234 00:23:24.388 --> 00:23:27.898 Which be AIDS, like an ambition like, it's like an. 235 00:23:27.898 --> 00:23:31.979 What is our tool kit? Well, we can use wires. 236 00:23:31.979 --> 00:23:35.219 Resisters and Victor and doctors and capacitors. 237 00:23:35.219 --> 00:23:39.598 Well, it shows all of these elements to be simple connecting. 238 00:23:39.598 --> 00:23:43.499 Well, let's forget about the register for the moment. Bluetooth. Our wires are inductors and capacitors. 239 00:23:43.499 --> 00:23:46.558 To be super connecting in a Super collector. 240 00:23:46.558 --> 00:23:50.788 Uh, you might know if you, if you pass a current to a regular wire. 241 00:23:50.788 --> 00:23:56.489 Then there is, it is dissipated. For example, this is all the bicarb spark. 242 00:23:56.489 --> 00:24:00.479 Passer current to a tiny wire and it limits. 243 00:24:00.479 --> 00:24:04.199 Energy in a simple conductor, there's no energy in it. It. 244 00:24:04.199 --> 00:24:08.788 There's no dissipation and intuitively that should be good for stuff. 245 00:24:08.788 --> 00:24:12.058 We use simple that. 246 00:24:12.058 --> 00:24:16.078 So, let's make the. 247 00:24:16.078 --> 00:24:20.818 Uh, Circuit out of this 10 of kit, and we'll take the parallel combination. 248 00:24:20.818 --> 00:24:26.338 Of an conductor and a capacity. So if there, if you don't remember this from. 249 00:24:26.338 --> 00:24:29.519 Undergrad or advanced high school. 250 00:24:29.519 --> 00:24:35.128 And that takes well, I'll tell you that the energy. 251 00:24:35.128 --> 00:24:38.429 Of such a 2nd, so the. 252 00:24:38.429 --> 00:24:41.818 Is the sum of 2 times the 1st time is. 253 00:24:41.818 --> 00:24:45.598 Charges charges are charging this capacity. 254 00:24:45.598 --> 00:24:51.148 This is a cool energy. You might remember that cool armies an electron electron traction. 255 00:24:51.148 --> 00:24:54.568 Put it in the square Square. 256 00:24:54.568 --> 00:24:59.548 Over to see, that's the size of this capacity and then there is a flux. 257 00:24:59.548 --> 00:25:03.179 Which is treading this. 258 00:25:03.179 --> 00:25:06.628 This is this this and Tucker sorry? 259 00:25:06.628 --> 00:25:11.278 If don't know what a flux is. Well, just take their voltage at the end points. 260 00:25:11.278 --> 00:25:16.769 Of this doctor and integrate overtime, this voltage that gives you the flux. 261 00:25:16.769 --> 00:25:21.058 So, you know what our voltage is, you know, what an integral is and you know what a flux is that's. 262 00:25:22.288 --> 00:25:26.338 That's the energy it goes as 5 square over to him. 263 00:25:26.338 --> 00:25:30.358 And I'm planning the energy the this time actually. 264 00:25:30.358 --> 00:25:33.568 As a function of flux and what you see, of course, is a parabola. 265 00:25:33.568 --> 00:25:36.598 And what we know from quantum mechanics is that. 266 00:25:36.598 --> 00:25:40.199 So this corresponds to a sort of harmony. 267 00:25:40.199 --> 00:25:46.019 Would you write about from those? Those aren't physicists you've heard about computers from the equation. 268 00:25:46.019 --> 00:25:49.499 We know also that the frequency of this, or when you consider. 269 00:25:49.499 --> 00:25:53.519 Will be given by 1 of our square root of else. That's the energy. 270 00:25:54.898 --> 00:25:59.038 Is that a good Cuban so far? There's very good news. 271 00:25:59.038 --> 00:26:05.759 You can choose by fabrication by using modern micro fabrication techniques. 272 00:26:05.759 --> 00:26:12.388 You can use, you can choose just at the frequencies of these us theaters is in the gig areas range. 273 00:26:12.388 --> 00:26:15.479 Various range, that's basically the frequencies of your. 274 00:26:15.479 --> 00:26:20.548 Cell phones and cell phones, there's an active element, which is basically announced circuit, which. 275 00:26:20.548 --> 00:26:24.778 Reacts at these migrate frequency. 276 00:26:24.778 --> 00:26:28.499 So, why is that a good news? Well, you can convert. 277 00:26:28.499 --> 00:26:33.659 Energy temperature and that from this, you see that and. 278 00:26:33.659 --> 00:26:40.019 Vigorous corresponds to Africa, but this is a pretty small temperature, but it's possible to operate. 279 00:26:40.019 --> 00:26:43.288 These circuits add something like 10 Calvin. 280 00:26:43.288 --> 00:26:46.739 Very easily using the fetch refrigerators. 281 00:26:46.739 --> 00:26:49.798 And so you will override the circuits will cool down these circuits. 282 00:26:49.798 --> 00:26:55.709 To tell medi, Cal them with the energy separation between any of that is something like Africa. 283 00:26:55.709 --> 00:26:59.878 And the environment that the circuit. 284 00:26:59.878 --> 00:27:04.288 And only provide 10 me to tell them that means that if you prepared the system and it's. 285 00:27:04.288 --> 00:27:09.209 Ground state, it's quantum mechanical. It will stay there because there's nothing in the environment. 286 00:27:09.209 --> 00:27:16.138 To give it enough energy to promote it to their wants. And how can you prepare the system? And it's hard to make any. 287 00:27:16.138 --> 00:27:21.148 Just wait the system will the system as a finite 1 you can get started anywhere. 288 00:27:21.148 --> 00:27:27.959 And it will just relax the ground state since there's nothing that can promote it elsewhere. It will end up there and stay there. 289 00:27:27.959 --> 00:27:35.909 That's very good news. So if you put your cell phone, in addition, French refrigerator, it's in it's quantum mechanical proxy. 290 00:27:37.019 --> 00:27:40.798 Well, not quite. Okay, so that's the good news. 291 00:27:40.798 --> 00:27:47.308 What's the bad news? Bad news is that well, you would like to control this Cuba for this. We'll try to write laser on our circuit. 292 00:27:47.308 --> 00:27:50.578 I'm not quite the bright laser, but the secretary. 293 00:27:50.578 --> 00:27:55.199 Which will be shy and migrate migrate source. 294 00:27:55.199 --> 00:28:02.368 Physically offensive and and try micro voltage. See a thing at micro frequencies. 295 00:28:02.368 --> 00:28:09.028 On this on this circuit is exactly like a laser. If you understand this. 296 00:28:09.028 --> 00:28:12.868 You should be able to send this also the same page. 297 00:28:12.868 --> 00:28:16.199 Um, and what you find is that it's. 298 00:28:16.199 --> 00:28:19.979 Since the energy separation is the same everywhere. 299 00:28:19.979 --> 00:28:24.058 Once this this voltage false as promoted the system. 300 00:28:24.058 --> 00:28:28.138 From 1 to 0T, there's nothing that prevented to go from 1 to do what to do. 301 00:28:28.138 --> 00:28:32.788 Trade and so forth. So at the end of the day, you end up with a superposition of. 302 00:28:32.788 --> 00:28:35.969 So called for you, and state of. 303 00:28:35.969 --> 00:28:41.278 The possible states in your Gilbert sticks, so you, there is major leakage. This is nothing humid. 304 00:28:41.278 --> 00:28:48.898 Okay, that's the problem. So you might remember that the why these. 305 00:28:48.898 --> 00:28:53.128 Atomic atoms were so good, was that the inner integration was not the same. 306 00:28:53.128 --> 00:28:56.638 And every for every, every okay. 307 00:28:56.638 --> 00:29:01.469 So, we need something which has not been here. We need a spectrum, which is not like this 1. 308 00:29:01.469 --> 00:29:05.128 So, we need a nothing new 11th and we have. 309 00:29:05.128 --> 00:29:09.088 1, such element, which is the junction. 310 00:29:09.088 --> 00:29:15.358 Well, this is not novel won the Nobel prize for this. 311 00:29:15.358 --> 00:29:18.959 Actually, something which discovered while he was a PhD student. 312 00:29:18.959 --> 00:29:21.989 All your guys be sparked a little bit harder. 313 00:29:21.989 --> 00:29:29.909 So so what I haven't told us is that if you fabricate the circuit. 314 00:29:29.909 --> 00:29:34.798 Which is basically a supervising wire. 315 00:29:34.798 --> 00:29:40.409 Then you, you put some outside, you put a layer of insulator on top of this wire. 316 00:29:40.409 --> 00:29:45.358 And then you glue us again wire. Okay. So basically you have a sandwich of Dr. 317 00:29:45.358 --> 00:29:48.479 Insulator Dr. 318 00:29:48.479 --> 00:29:55.078 Then current, we'll be able to go through this insulating there because of. 319 00:29:55.078 --> 00:30:01.348 Compliment effect, because of contract penalty, and there will be a specific relation between the current. 320 00:30:01.348 --> 00:30:04.378 That flows through this sandwich. 321 00:30:04.378 --> 00:30:08.098 And the flux integral of the voltage across the structure. 322 00:30:08.098 --> 00:30:11.098 That's the symbol for a junction. 323 00:30:11.098 --> 00:30:15.749 And the, what we're I'm writing here is that the current that flows through the sandwich. 324 00:30:15.749 --> 00:30:18.898 It's related to the flux, so the interval up the voltage. 325 00:30:18.898 --> 00:30:22.348 Actually, take all of the voltage across this. 326 00:30:22.348 --> 00:30:26.578 In this very special way. Okay. Why is this interesting? 327 00:30:26.578 --> 00:30:32.068 Let's look at this doctor here and you might know that the current is also related to the flux. 328 00:30:32.068 --> 00:30:36.898 Doctor, but with this very simple relation, there's a coefficient. 329 00:30:36.898 --> 00:30:41.338 Progress energy coefficient between threat and flux and that's what we call the inductance. 330 00:30:41.338 --> 00:30:45.269 Okay, now there is a relationship. 331 00:30:45.269 --> 00:30:49.858 But this relationship is not in here as is here, this is a nonlinear relationship. 332 00:30:49.858 --> 00:30:53.249 Actually, it's tempting to define this object. 333 00:30:53.249 --> 00:30:59.038 Okay, which if you again, this relation just get the L, you just get the documents. 334 00:30:59.038 --> 00:31:03.538 But now given this current Luxe relationship. 335 00:31:03.538 --> 00:31:09.058 You get this value for another call that Joseph sent and documents. So, what you find is that this sandwich. 336 00:31:09.058 --> 00:31:14.608 Yeah, it's just like an inductance. Well, not quite it's like an inductance, which relates to flux. 337 00:31:14.608 --> 00:31:17.818 But as a different relationship, and that relationship. 338 00:31:17.818 --> 00:31:22.288 Instead of being a simple parameter. There is some nonlinear function. 339 00:31:22.288 --> 00:31:27.989 Of the of the flux, so you might remember. 340 00:31:27.989 --> 00:31:31.528 That the energy associated to this, that. 341 00:31:31.528 --> 00:31:35.278 In the circuit was going as 1 over. 342 00:31:35.278 --> 00:31:38.429 Okay, so what is 1 of her out? 343 00:31:38.429 --> 00:31:43.919 That's Co, sign sign of 5. so that means that if I replace. 344 00:31:43.919 --> 00:31:49.588 In that transpire Jesus injection, but instead of a. 345 00:31:49.588 --> 00:31:54.028 Potential I get a CO signed potential. Okay. 346 00:31:54.028 --> 00:31:59.278 And I'm zooming in here, I'm focusing on 1 of these wells. 347 00:31:59.278 --> 00:32:03.118 And I really am according to basic quantum mechanics. 348 00:32:03.118 --> 00:32:07.288 Energy levels there, but because now I have something which is. 349 00:32:07.288 --> 00:32:11.939 but going to infinity but cutting off at some finite energy . 350 00:32:11.939 --> 00:32:16.919 They would have to re, adjust to that. And what you'll find is that. 351 00:32:16.919 --> 00:32:21.028 These levels are not uniform in the spread. 352 00:32:21.028 --> 00:32:24.568 Exactly what we want it, but this is our artificial. 353 00:32:24.568 --> 00:32:29.429 Okay, so I have this course potential which, which changed. 354 00:32:29.429 --> 00:32:33.808 The the spread of the energy levels, and now I have these. 355 00:32:33.808 --> 00:32:39.538 We've agreed, I still need to give you numbers of our. They are that's coming in a 2nd. 356 00:32:39.538 --> 00:32:43.318 Which will, we will be using as our. 357 00:32:43.318 --> 00:32:49.078 As I keep it states, so exactly. The question of our good is. 358 00:32:49.078 --> 00:32:56.098 Uh, the system, so 1st, how much time does it take using this voltage password to source? 359 00:32:56.098 --> 00:32:59.848 To create any Super position, for example, to go from 0T to 1. 360 00:32:59.848 --> 00:33:06.298 It's a few seconds with ions. We're, it's typically a few microseconds. 361 00:33:06.298 --> 00:33:12.058 And that's basically because the type of moment of these artificial atoms is larger. 362 00:33:12.058 --> 00:33:15.598 Just because there are larger objects, and they call a couple of more strongly. 363 00:33:15.598 --> 00:33:20.009 Did you feel so daytime is faster. 364 00:33:21.058 --> 00:33:30.179 The relaxation time, and a T, to time is not as good. And that's also because in a sense, the are also a couple more strongly to things. You didn't want. 365 00:33:30.179 --> 00:33:34.348 So this is a very rough plus of 2. 366 00:33:34.348 --> 00:33:42.358 In blue and team 1 in great as a function of year and I just did a few representative experiments. 367 00:33:42.358 --> 00:33:47.669 So, what I find for is very encouraging is that it's much better to see this on the log scale. 368 00:33:47.669 --> 00:33:51.449 Which tells you that yes, there is really improvement over the years. 369 00:33:51.449 --> 00:33:58.169 And what you find is that in the last 10 years, or so we've. 370 00:33:58.169 --> 00:34:02.249 Once when from few fraction of analysis again. 371 00:34:02.249 --> 00:34:06.419 2 teachers of the order now of 100 micro 2nd. 372 00:34:06.419 --> 00:34:10.349 So actually will be talking in many seconds, which. 373 00:34:10.349 --> 00:34:14.849 Very good news so point 3rd is much better than 100 microseconds. 374 00:34:14.849 --> 00:34:19.318 And so there is city improvement and I'll come back to. 375 00:34:19.318 --> 00:34:24.088 Uh, to this by the end of the talk, how these last points were. 376 00:34:24.088 --> 00:34:37.889 But this okay, so this was a good introduction. So if you like the topic here, you can now watch the rest of the video on your own, get more. 377 00:34:37.889 --> 00:34:48.358 Get more of the hardware here. If you want still more depth, there's this talk here. 378 00:34:48.358 --> 00:34:52.318 And by the way you notice, I'm selecting these talks. 379 00:34:52.318 --> 00:34:58.889 Some workshops and summer's goals and so on. So, for example, here you are free to go to the. 380 00:34:58.889 --> 00:35:07.559 Summer school, quantum computing, summer school here and find more talks and go to other years in 2002. okay. Here. 381 00:35:07.559 --> 00:35:12.418 You can read about it. I'm not going to start that. 382 00:35:12.418 --> 00:35:18.478 The same thing, I'm going to show 10 minutes of it to give you a feeling of it. 383 00:35:18.478 --> 00:35:21.599 Start around 6. 384 00:35:21.599 --> 00:35:24.599 Silence. 385 00:35:24.599 --> 00:35:28.349 Good. 386 00:35:28.349 --> 00:35:31.378 Silence. 387 00:35:31.378 --> 00:35:35.668 Our own hardness where every particle represented a bit. 388 00:35:35.668 --> 00:35:42.418 Then you could not store as much information as you could handle with 300 few events. 389 00:35:42.418 --> 00:35:51.028 That's amazing, isn't it? So. 390 00:35:51.028 --> 00:35:55.528 In October, like, just 2 months ago. 391 00:35:55.528 --> 00:36:01.048 Google came out and announced that they had reached something called quantum supremacy. 392 00:36:01.048 --> 00:36:07.438 How many of you have heard about that? Okay by quite many of you. 393 00:36:07.438 --> 00:36:14.548 Good so, in there, so they made it a quantum computer out of 53 Cubans. 394 00:36:15.719 --> 00:36:21.119 And they use superconducting. So what I'm going to tell you now, is what are those Cubans. 395 00:36:21.119 --> 00:36:25.139 That were in the Google quantum processor and how do they work. 396 00:36:27.659 --> 00:36:31.108 This. 397 00:36:31.108 --> 00:36:36.208 Yeah, we should switch to to. 398 00:36:36.208 --> 00:36:41.938 Okay, so here you see a superconducting tube and. 399 00:36:43.318 --> 00:36:51.239 The light grey here is aluminum. The dark gray is the Silicon on which this circuit the sitting. 400 00:36:51.239 --> 00:36:55.858 So this is the superconducting circuit accomplish Super productivity in a minute. 401 00:36:55.858 --> 00:36:59.398 And you see that this is essentially. 402 00:36:59.398 --> 00:37:04.469 Capacitance, and then there's a small component up here. 403 00:37:04.469 --> 00:37:08.278 That does all the trick, the whole circuit. 404 00:37:08.278 --> 00:37:15.958 Is like half a millimeter across, but this little circuit that does the trick is just 100 by 100 nanometer. 405 00:37:17.039 --> 00:37:21.449 And this can now act like an artificial after. 406 00:37:22.889 --> 00:37:25.889 And in particular, it can have. 407 00:37:25.889 --> 00:37:30.628 It it behaves quantum mechanical and it can show superposition. 408 00:37:30.628 --> 00:37:35.248 This was not obvious 30 years ago that that. 409 00:37:35.248 --> 00:37:38.579 Circuits can behave mechanically. They're so big. 410 00:37:38.579 --> 00:37:42.179 But still they can behave, sir quantum, mechanically. 411 00:37:44.219 --> 00:37:47.938 So, a few words about Super collectivity. 412 00:37:47.938 --> 00:37:52.199 So, Super connectivity is something that happens in metals. 413 00:37:52.199 --> 00:37:58.289 When you cooled down a metal there is and measure that the resistance of it. 414 00:37:58.289 --> 00:38:01.559 You see that at some point, at some temperature. 415 00:38:01.559 --> 00:38:05.159 The resistance drops to 0T. That's Super collectivity. 416 00:38:05.159 --> 00:38:11.070 There's also, so this is the most notable. 417 00:38:11.070 --> 00:38:15.630 Property of a Super conductor there's also another property. 418 00:38:15.630 --> 00:38:19.739 Which is that I did an expense magnetic fields. 419 00:38:19.739 --> 00:38:22.920 And that allows you to. 420 00:38:22.920 --> 00:38:25.949 And magnets on top of the Super conductor. 421 00:38:25.949 --> 00:38:30.030 So, it actually can leverage the. 422 00:38:30.030 --> 00:38:33.510 And you can see here that it just floats and in. 423 00:38:33.510 --> 00:38:37.320 Thanks. 424 00:38:38.940 --> 00:38:42.929 You may think that a Super conductivity is a rare. 425 00:38:42.929 --> 00:38:47.909 Phenomena, but actually, if you look at the periodic table. 426 00:38:47.909 --> 00:38:53.130 The blue elements you see here are all become superconducting at some temperature. 427 00:38:53.130 --> 00:38:57.840 The green ones become superconducting if you apply a pressure. 428 00:38:57.840 --> 00:39:01.199 But, in fact, Super conductivity is a very. 429 00:39:01.199 --> 00:39:04.440 You show phenomenon if you're at low enough temperatures. 430 00:39:06.510 --> 00:39:10.320 So, now, how do we, how do we put Super conductors into. 431 00:39:10.320 --> 00:39:15.840 How will we do? We make them into Cubans so 1st, I want to discuss. 432 00:39:15.840 --> 00:39:20.670 You know, the basic elements that you know about from, from electricity. 433 00:39:20.670 --> 00:39:24.389 The capacitor. 434 00:39:24.389 --> 00:39:30.780 So, I remind you that the current in the capacity is given by the capacitance time to the. 435 00:39:30.780 --> 00:39:34.650 Derivative of the voltage and conversely. 436 00:39:34.650 --> 00:39:38.489 In an doctor, the voltage is given by the. 437 00:39:38.489 --> 00:39:41.789 The inductance times the derivative of the current. 438 00:39:41.789 --> 00:39:49.800 Now, and so you make these type of components out of Super conductors and that means you have no loss. 439 00:39:49.800 --> 00:39:54.000 So, if you lose energy, you also lose information. 440 00:39:54.000 --> 00:39:58.199 So this is an important part that you want to have something, which is lossless. 441 00:39:59.550 --> 00:40:03.929 So, to build an actual superconducting Cuba. 442 00:40:03.929 --> 00:40:09.300 You start out by just putting these together here in a residence circuit. 443 00:40:09.300 --> 00:40:13.679 So this is a resident circuit that will isolate that some frequency. 444 00:40:13.679 --> 00:40:21.059 And so charge will be on the capacitor, and it will go through the doctor go here. And then it'll go back again. 445 00:40:21.059 --> 00:40:26.909 And this will repeat itself many, many times. So typical frequencies are 5 gigahertz. 446 00:40:26.909 --> 00:40:31.320 The same frequencies that you have in your cell phones and WI Fi. 447 00:40:31.320 --> 00:40:35.250 But now, if you have a circuit like this. 448 00:40:35.250 --> 00:40:44.880 The energy spectrum is equitable, it means that the, if you supply energy and excite from 0T, then this state 0T to 1 here. 449 00:40:44.880 --> 00:40:50.010 You can then continue with the same energy to go to 2 and 2, 3 and so on. 450 00:40:50.010 --> 00:40:57.420 This is what's called the harmonic oscillator, but now, if we want to make this like an Atom. 451 00:40:57.420 --> 00:41:01.829 We, we need a non linearity. 452 00:41:01.829 --> 00:41:05.760 And this is where this component comes in. 453 00:41:05.760 --> 00:41:09.000 This here is called a Joseph's conjunction. 454 00:41:09.000 --> 00:41:13.349 This is a non linear element that acts like an indicator. 455 00:41:14.639 --> 00:41:19.619 But it's so nonlinear so that when you put in a single excitation. 456 00:41:19.619 --> 00:41:23.130 The quantum excitation into this. 457 00:41:24.659 --> 00:41:28.739 Just that 1st, automation or 1st. 458 00:41:28.739 --> 00:41:33.659 Changes the value of the inductance. So then when you. 459 00:41:33.659 --> 00:41:40.079 And that changes the residence frequency of this so that the next quantity you want to put in, you have to put in. 460 00:41:40.079 --> 00:41:44.849 At the different frequency, and that's what you see here. So you get a non equity. 461 00:41:44.849 --> 00:41:47.849 Energy level spacing. 462 00:41:47.849 --> 00:41:52.320 And so now if you buy. 463 00:41:52.320 --> 00:41:56.579 Radiation to this with. 464 00:41:56.579 --> 00:42:02.219 A precise frequency that corresponds to this level splitting. You can go up to this, but then. 465 00:42:02.219 --> 00:42:05.519 You don't get further because then you, there's no. 466 00:42:05.519 --> 00:42:09.989 No levels that you can you can go to and so. 467 00:42:11.489 --> 00:42:15.510 If you if you concentrate on only the 2 lowest levels. 468 00:42:15.510 --> 00:42:20.699 Then we call this a Cuban if we also include the higher levels. 469 00:42:20.699 --> 00:42:24.210 This is precisely like an Atom. 470 00:42:24.210 --> 00:42:29.309 So, we call this an artificial Atom. 471 00:42:30.510 --> 00:42:36.570 So, I'm actually going to skip that and go to to this 1. so. 472 00:42:36.570 --> 00:42:42.929 In this, this person here is Brian. Joseph. 473 00:42:42.929 --> 00:42:46.230 Uh, when he was 26 years old. 474 00:42:46.230 --> 00:42:52.199 He figured out what happens in a system where you have a Super conductor on 1 side. 475 00:42:52.199 --> 00:42:57.000 And insulating barrier, and then a Super conductor on the other side. 476 00:42:57.000 --> 00:43:04.170 So, he derived these very famous equations or these Joseph's and relations. 477 00:43:04.170 --> 00:43:09.570 And tell you how current and voltage depend on the properties of the superconducting. 478 00:43:09.570 --> 00:43:12.719 And the interesting thing is that if you. 479 00:43:12.719 --> 00:43:16.260 If you combine these 2 expressions, you can see. 480 00:43:16.260 --> 00:43:19.949 That this element looks like an inductance. 481 00:43:19.949 --> 00:43:24.210 It actually acts like a non non linear inductance. 482 00:43:24.210 --> 00:43:29.639 And that is precisely what we needed for the, for the rest of the circuit I have before. 483 00:43:29.639 --> 00:43:34.110 So, the Joseph's on is. 484 00:43:34.110 --> 00:43:38.070 Approximately equal to inductance it's a nonlinear. 485 00:43:39.090 --> 00:43:43.860 And now you can do 1 more tricks, and that is to. 486 00:43:43.860 --> 00:43:47.159 Put 2 of these in parallel. 487 00:43:47.159 --> 00:43:53.190 And without going into details, what happens then, is that you can actually make it to. 488 00:43:53.190 --> 00:43:56.639 So, by putting magnetic flux in this loop here. 489 00:43:56.639 --> 00:44:02.099 You can actually tune the documents in there for you can tune the frequency of argument. 490 00:44:04.320 --> 00:44:10.139 Now, so here you can see an SCM picture of these Joseph junctions. 491 00:44:10.139 --> 00:44:14.730 And the line with here is about a 100 nanometers but how do you make that? 492 00:44:14.730 --> 00:44:19.469 Well, here are Chalmers many many labs around the world. 493 00:44:19.469 --> 00:44:22.710 We have a clean rooms where we have. 494 00:44:22.710 --> 00:44:26.639 These tools elect from bibliography machines. 495 00:44:26.639 --> 00:44:32.369 Which you can use to make these things, it's a bit like how people do. 496 00:44:32.369 --> 00:44:35.400 Computers you draw a pattern. 497 00:44:35.400 --> 00:44:39.360 And you transfer it to in this case metal to aluminum. 498 00:44:39.360 --> 00:44:44.309 And then you can, you can make you mention that 1. 499 00:44:46.260 --> 00:44:53.849 So now we're interested in power. So, yesterday it was also talked about how does light and matter interact then. 500 00:44:53.849 --> 00:44:58.980 And I think Thomas, I convinced you that this is important both for. 501 00:44:58.980 --> 00:45:04.289 Everything from the Internet to your eye light matter interaction is really important. 502 00:45:04.289 --> 00:45:09.840 And so normally, how do you how do you look at that? Well, you have normal atoms. 503 00:45:09.840 --> 00:45:14.280 And you have lasers and you shine on the on the atoms. 504 00:45:14.280 --> 00:45:20.849 And then you see what happens and so typically you use optical frequencies, which. 505 00:45:20.849 --> 00:45:23.940 Amounts so visible. 506 00:45:23.940 --> 00:45:27.269 So, which amounts to tend to the 15 hurts. 507 00:45:27.269 --> 00:45:30.480 Well, that's quite high frequencies, but. 508 00:45:30.480 --> 00:45:35.909 We are using much lower frequencies and much lower energies in general. 509 00:45:35.909 --> 00:45:41.760 So, we use microwave frequencies, which is more like 10 to the 10 hurts. 510 00:45:43.199 --> 00:45:47.130 And we can then build our atoms here. 511 00:45:47.130 --> 00:45:53.639 And we can put them in transmission lines. So this is a transmission line. It's essentially a squashed. 512 00:45:53.639 --> 00:46:01.380 And we put our atom in here, and then we can send in microwaves. We can see how much is reflected. We can see how much. 513 00:46:01.380 --> 00:46:07.469 Is transmitted, and there are a number of interesting things about the system that makes it. 514 00:46:07.469 --> 00:46:12.300 Advantageous compared to using real atoms. 515 00:46:12.300 --> 00:46:15.929 So 1 of the things is that we can really engineer the atoms. 516 00:46:15.929 --> 00:46:19.409 We can, we can tailor the parameters of the Atom. 517 00:46:19.409 --> 00:46:23.130 We don't need to take what nature gives us. We can do it ourselves. 518 00:46:23.130 --> 00:46:26.579 The other thing is that we can place this at them. 519 00:46:26.579 --> 00:46:30.539 Everywhere anywhere on the chip, and it also stays there. 520 00:46:30.539 --> 00:46:36.059 If you put another a normal Atom, it both slogged away and attach to something else or something. 521 00:46:36.059 --> 00:46:40.559 Something like that, so we can, we can put it wherever you want. 522 00:46:40.559 --> 00:46:44.039 Moreover, this coupling between this atom and there and. 523 00:46:44.039 --> 00:46:47.610 And the light. 524 00:46:47.610 --> 00:46:56.760 Okay, so you're free to watch the rest of that of course, if you like, but I hope I've given you a case of it. 525 00:46:59.099 --> 00:47:03.269 And again, just something a little more technical. 526 00:47:03.269 --> 00:47:06.480 And show you just to start of this thing here. 527 00:47:07.829 --> 00:47:17.219 Going silence. 528 00:47:17.219 --> 00:47:21.300 Hi, my name is Connell Murray. I work at the IBM. 529 00:47:21.300 --> 00:47:27.719 Digital Watson Research Center you'll please excuse the illusion. Heavy title. 530 00:47:27.719 --> 00:47:32.159 That I chose, but I did it to emphasize how remarkable. 531 00:47:32.159 --> 00:47:36.539 It is that we take something as unwieldy as quantum mechanics. 532 00:47:36.539 --> 00:47:40.559 And we've been able to harness that into a viable. 533 00:47:40.559 --> 00:47:46.650 Computing platform and that's thanks to the work over several decades. Now. 534 00:47:46.650 --> 00:47:51.119 Of looking at how to mitigate the various loss mechanisms. 535 00:47:51.119 --> 00:47:58.559 That we see that are present and so in this talk, I'll briefly describe some aspects of quantum computing. 536 00:47:58.559 --> 00:48:01.739 And focus on the superconducting. 537 00:48:01.739 --> 00:48:07.349 I'll discuss some limitations that we see in the current performance metrics. 538 00:48:07.349 --> 00:48:11.159 In particular looking at the various loss mechanisms at play. 539 00:48:11.755 --> 00:48:23.425 I'll discuss how we can actually predict a certain aspect of electric loss within these systems. We can do that through a combination of either find an element or analytical approaches. 540 00:48:23.755 --> 00:48:26.755 And then I'll close with some discussions about. 541 00:48:27.059 --> 00:48:33.269 Um, the prospects that we expect to see from this near term quantum computing machine. 542 00:48:33.269 --> 00:48:36.630 So, if you look at the history of classical computing. 543 00:48:36.630 --> 00:48:40.409 It's been also pretty remarkable. That's starting. 544 00:48:40.409 --> 00:48:49.590 Up in the top, right there with 1 of the 1st integrated circuits about 50 years ago, where the device sizes were roughly 10 in size. 545 00:48:49.590 --> 00:48:52.829 We've been able now to get down to the bottom image. 546 00:48:52.829 --> 00:48:58.800 Of the case where we have things that are less than 10 nanometers for device. 547 00:48:58.800 --> 00:49:02.639 Advice lengths and again that's thanks to the ingenuity. 548 00:49:02.639 --> 00:49:08.130 And the resourcefulness of many scientists and engineers in being able to achieve that. 549 00:49:08.130 --> 00:49:14.429 That's been done basically through live graphic scaling. The problem is the past decade or so. 550 00:49:14.429 --> 00:49:19.320 That's been insufficient to also give us the performance gains that we require. 551 00:49:19.320 --> 00:49:23.309 Part of that is simply the nature of the materials with which we work. 552 00:49:23.309 --> 00:49:29.820 The fact that the sides they're used to insulate between the gate and the channel regions. 553 00:49:29.820 --> 00:49:39.840 Are so thin they're no longer insulating other cases where we actually have to tune the strength within the device channels to improve the carrier mobility. 554 00:49:39.840 --> 00:49:45.030 And then, in some cases, 2, we've actually moved from a planner geometry to 1 of 3 dimensions. 555 00:49:45.030 --> 00:49:50.849 That's being done so that we get better electrostatic control of the regions of interest. 556 00:49:50.849 --> 00:49:54.329 But even being able to accomplish all these. 557 00:49:54.329 --> 00:49:58.500 These feats, the problem is, we're hitting a thermodynamic hard limit now. 558 00:49:58.500 --> 00:50:09.059 And that's referred to as Bolton tyranny, the fact that there is a fundamental amount of voltage that has to be supply to these systems. So that we can distinguish between the on and off. 559 00:50:09.059 --> 00:50:18.210 And therefore, we have to look at different types of paradigms because the fact that these power densities are climbing dramatically. 560 00:50:18.210 --> 00:50:22.019 And I would argue that quantum computing is the leading contender. 561 00:50:22.019 --> 00:50:29.280 In that rates, so I'm showing a picture here that many of you have seen in various forms and how we describe. 562 00:50:29.280 --> 00:50:33.030 The difference between classical and quantum computing. 563 00:50:33.030 --> 00:50:41.579 The idea is that in the left, where we have classical bits that can either be a 1 or 2 States, we can either have current flowing corresponding to the 1 state. 564 00:50:41.579 --> 00:50:48.900 Or we have an off state in the picture on the right here, which is known as block spear. 565 00:50:48.900 --> 00:50:54.059 We have those 2 States as well. We have the ground state 0T state. 566 00:50:54.059 --> 00:51:02.010 Okay, so if you like this and you're going to get deeper later, you feel free to watch it. Let me see if I can get to the end of it and talk. 567 00:51:02.010 --> 00:51:05.699 You can talk about what is going to happen in the future. 568 00:51:05.699 --> 00:51:09.539 So, if we actually invert this picture, just. 569 00:51:12.090 --> 00:51:16.289 With the gates and the errors that are present within. 570 00:51:16.289 --> 00:51:20.760 Those 2 bits, particularly in this era of near term quantum. 571 00:51:20.760 --> 00:51:29.909 And so all of those aspects, although they're not necessarily dimensions. They do help to to define a parameter. 572 00:51:29.909 --> 00:51:34.530 That is hardware agnostic. It can actually tell you. 573 00:51:34.530 --> 00:51:42.000 What perhaps the most pivotal aspects of and 1 example I'm showing here on the bottom right? The fact that. 574 00:51:42.000 --> 00:51:45.000 Just certain past a certain threshold. 575 00:51:45.000 --> 00:51:52.440 You can add additional Cubans, but if the error rate isn't sufficient to have them be part of the entangling process. 576 00:51:52.440 --> 00:52:04.920 You will not get a change in the quantum volume that's present. Now. Thankfully, the quantum volume has increased dramatically over the past 3 years or so. 577 00:52:04.920 --> 00:52:14.369 There are a variety of different layouts that IBM Q offers and these are publicly accessible. Anyone can go online and be able to. 578 00:52:14.369 --> 00:52:23.429 Utilize these, and they have various differences with respect to the number of Cubics of course. But also how they're related, how they're interconnected. 579 00:52:23.429 --> 00:52:28.170 And ideally, you would want the greatest amount of interconnectivity present. 580 00:52:28.170 --> 00:52:32.849 But, not as a detriment of the error that might be introduced by having. 581 00:52:32.849 --> 00:52:36.869 Um, so many series with these systems. 582 00:52:36.869 --> 00:52:43.440 The point is that we have been able to demonstrate an exponential trend in the quantum volume. 583 00:52:43.440 --> 00:52:46.949 And, in fact, just earlier this year. 584 00:52:46.949 --> 00:52:50.280 We've announced the Raleigh generation. 585 00:52:50.280 --> 00:52:55.829 Of Cuban 28 cubic devices that have demonstrated volume of 32. 586 00:52:57.659 --> 00:53:06.869 And so why can we use these types of devices for clearly? There are examples that involve chemistry, material, science, machine, learning. 587 00:53:06.869 --> 00:53:15.030 The problem again is that we don't yet have the ability to perform true error correction within our Cubans that would represent. 588 00:53:15.030 --> 00:53:18.150 It fault tolerant, acute, quantum computing system. 589 00:53:18.150 --> 00:53:23.579 And instead we have ways in which we can try to mitigate that error loss. And I'll show that on the next slide. 590 00:53:23.579 --> 00:53:28.260 The fact that we do have universal computers mean that we can program these gates. 591 00:53:28.260 --> 00:53:34.409 And we try to look at what type of algorithms that have a short enough depth that can give us useful information from it. 592 00:53:34.409 --> 00:53:39.599 I also want to mention though, that represents an open source. 593 00:53:39.599 --> 00:53:46.530 Co, quantum computing software framework that's being widely adopted. Now over 300000 downloads they are present. 594 00:53:46.530 --> 00:53:49.889 In which you can also use to help program. 595 00:53:49.889 --> 00:53:54.539 Both simulations as well as actual experimental cases on these various. 596 00:53:54.539 --> 00:53:59.159 Devices and the 1 example here Hong Sean error medication. 597 00:53:59.159 --> 00:54:04.590 Involves the calculation of the ground state energy of the lithium hydride molecule. 598 00:54:04.590 --> 00:54:09.059 As a function of the distance between the 2 and the atoms. 599 00:54:09.059 --> 00:54:16.170 And, of course, you can see on the left that if we only use circuit depth of 1 here, we get a trend that. 600 00:54:16.170 --> 00:54:19.170 That does follow what we would expect. 601 00:54:19.170 --> 00:54:25.170 But there is a significant decrease in the accuracy that 1 would hope for. 602 00:54:25.170 --> 00:54:31.889 What I'm showing in the right then is by using a technique called Richardson extrapolation. 603 00:54:31.889 --> 00:54:37.860 You can actually see the performance based on a certain gate time. 604 00:54:37.860 --> 00:54:46.679 You can amplify that time and then actually use that to back propagate what you would expect to have in the condition. It's error. 605 00:54:46.679 --> 00:54:55.289 And that corresponds to the bottom plot here where now you actually can utilize the fact of a greater circuit them to get you more accurate information. 606 00:54:56.639 --> 00:55:00.030 And there are plenty of different examples of this. 607 00:55:00.030 --> 00:55:04.860 I would encourage you to access the IBM quantum Web site to see. 608 00:55:04.860 --> 00:55:09.239 How, in fact, some of these can be applied to particular research interests. 609 00:55:09.239 --> 00:55:12.869 That you might have, and with that, I'll conclude. 610 00:55:12.869 --> 00:55:18.480 We've gone over different ways in which we've been able to see how materials design processing are important. 611 00:55:18.480 --> 00:55:26.219 So, the operation of we're always looking for the next limiting mechanism that's present in our system. 612 00:55:26.219 --> 00:55:32.250 But in the meantime, the fact that we do have near term quantum computing applications that we can utilize. 613 00:55:32.250 --> 00:55:36.599 And they involve the fact that we are able to increase our quantum volume. 614 00:55:36.599 --> 00:55:44.190 And eventually, hopefully move us from the state of our mitigation to true error correction. And that will represent a giant leap. 615 00:55:44.190 --> 00:55:48.360 In terms of the ability to operate our quantum computers. 616 00:55:48.360 --> 00:55:52.019 Please access this website if you'd like more information. I'd like to. Thank. 617 00:55:52.019 --> 00:55:56.010 Um, the contributions from my colleagues here, and the hard work that. 618 00:55:56.010 --> 00:56:02.730 The entire IBM queue team does Thank you. 619 00:56:03.054 --> 00:56:17.664 Okay, give you a feeling for that. Q tech Academy. I just mentioned I've showed you some videos from it, and it's got various other things here. So feel free to. 620 00:56:18.210 --> 00:56:24.599 Browse that if you'd like more information or, like, ideas for a final project also to be talking about at some point. 621 00:56:24.599 --> 00:56:36.900 Okay, so we saw the bits. Okay different architecture is D, wave's architecture. So I've got some videos here some short ones and then we'll show. 622 00:56:36.900 --> 00:56:41.699 I'd have a longer 1 about how quantum kneeling works. 623 00:56:41.699 --> 00:56:52.289 And then following the videos, I'll point you at some slide to which side the same information on slides. It's fun to see the videos 1st, to give you a feeling of it. 624 00:56:52.289 --> 00:56:58.530 And this will lead in to continue this next week but let me start things off for you. 625 00:57:05.460 --> 00:57:09.420 Quantum computing, although being a relatively young field. 626 00:57:09.420 --> 00:57:15.690 It's actually quite complex, and there's many different approaches being pursued around the world for building a quantum computer. 627 00:57:15.690 --> 00:57:18.809 The D wave, our approach is quantum. 628 00:57:18.809 --> 00:57:24.389 And in this video, I'll explain what that is and how it relates to the other forms of quantum computing. 629 00:57:24.389 --> 00:57:30.030 So, the continent healing is basically a way of using. 630 00:57:30.030 --> 00:57:35.280 The intrinsic affects of quantum physics to help you solve certain types of problems. 631 00:57:35.280 --> 00:57:40.349 Called optimization problems and also a related program called probabilistic sampling. 632 00:57:41.394 --> 00:57:55.824 Now, let me explain what these are. So, an optimization problem is a problem where you try to search for the best configuration out of many, many different, possible combinations. So an example of this is say, you're trying to build a house. 633 00:57:55.885 --> 00:58:02.724 You've got a fixed budget to spend the many, many different things you would like to have in your house. Maybe you can't afford them all. 634 00:58:03.264 --> 00:58:11.965 So, the challenge is to find out what combination of all of those different things, you can afford to fit into your house and maximize your happiness. 635 00:58:12.324 --> 00:58:23.545 So, you can imagine spending your entire budget on house, which is great, or you spend your entire budget and is not quite so good. So, and optimization problem is trying to find the best configuration. 636 00:58:23.820 --> 00:58:34.199 The reason you can use physics to solve optimization problems is because you can frame them as a type form called an energy minimization problem. 637 00:58:34.199 --> 00:58:46.800 And, like, a fundamental part of physics is that everything is always trying to find this minimum energy state. So things slide down hills or thermodynamics, hop things. 638 00:58:46.800 --> 00:58:57.630 Cool down over time and it's also true of quantum physics. So quantum is using quantum physics to find the minimum energy state of something. 639 00:58:57.630 --> 00:59:01.230 So, solving problems. 640 00:59:01.704 --> 00:59:09.414 Related to optimization problems, but they're slightly different instead of focusing on trying to find the minimum energy state. 641 00:59:09.594 --> 00:59:18.264 What you're trying to do is sample from many low energy statements and try and characterize the shape of your energy landscape. 642 00:59:18.510 --> 00:59:21.780 This is useful for application errors like machine learning. 643 00:59:21.780 --> 00:59:27.659 Where you're trying to build a probabilistic representation of the world. 644 00:59:27.659 --> 00:59:36.210 And these samples give you information about what your model is like now, and you can use those to improve your models over time. 645 00:59:36.210 --> 00:59:45.150 Optimization problems also crop up in in machine learning and typically sampling problems and optimization problems are very difficult to solve and. 646 00:59:45.150 --> 00:59:51.480 On classical computers, so there's a lot of interest in trying to find alternative techniques to solving. 647 00:59:51.480 --> 01:00:01.889 These kinds of problems, so that's a description of quantum annealing and the kind of things it's used for. 648 01:00:01.889 --> 01:00:05.369 So, how does it relate to the other forms of quantum computing? 649 01:00:05.369 --> 01:00:10.320 Well, the 1st, 4 contribution that develops called gate model called. 650 01:00:10.320 --> 01:00:18.030 Animals and the differences between these 2 kinds, it can be summarize as follows. So. 651 01:00:18.030 --> 01:00:26.639 In quantum and healing what you're trying to do is harness the natural evolution of quantum states. Well, there you don't have any control over that evolution. 652 01:00:26.639 --> 01:00:30.119 So, you set up the problem at the beginning. 653 01:00:30.119 --> 01:00:37.619 Unit quantum physics do its natural evolution and the configuration at the end corresponds to the artsy or trying to. 654 01:00:37.619 --> 01:00:51.239 In game, on of quantum computing, the aim is a lot more ambitious. What you're trying to do there is be able to control and manipulate the evolution of that quantum state over time. Now, this is a lot more difficult because. 655 01:00:51.239 --> 01:00:54.480 Quantum systems tend to be incredibly delicate to work with. 656 01:00:54.480 --> 01:01:01.380 However, you can have having that amount of control means that you can solve a bigger class with problems. 657 01:01:01.380 --> 01:01:06.090 So, these differences, the reason why it's been impossible to scale up. 658 01:01:06.090 --> 01:01:10.170 Quantum annealing processes to over a 1000 cube. It's. 659 01:01:10.170 --> 01:01:15.809 Whereas the state of team game model, quantum computing is around 10 cube. 660 01:01:15.809 --> 01:01:22.409 So, it's a lot more difficult to get the cube bits to work together coherently in a gate model quantum computer. 661 01:01:22.409 --> 01:01:28.769 However, there have been some very powerful algorithms developed for use when they reach scale. 662 01:01:28.769 --> 01:01:42.389 So, a couple of examples are shows algorithm for factoring large numbers and also grove as algorithm for searching through databases. These promised to be way, way faster than anything. You could possibly run on a classical machine. 663 01:01:42.389 --> 01:01:55.289 Given our current knowledge there have been some other approaches to quantum computing have been shown to be equivalent to the gate model approach. And these are all known as universal quantum computers. 664 01:01:55.764 --> 01:02:08.304 So, to be classified as a universe, quantum computer, it needs to be showing that there's a mapping of the specialized gate model algorithms to these other forms that it doesn't take up too much time. 665 01:02:08.304 --> 01:02:12.594 So there's a polynomial time mapping and a polynomial resource mapping. 666 01:02:12.809 --> 01:02:15.809 From the game model approach to these other approaches. 667 01:02:16.829 --> 01:02:20.280 Isn't a universal quantum computer. 668 01:02:20.280 --> 01:02:24.030 However, it is related to 1 of the forms of. 669 01:02:24.030 --> 01:02:28.260 Universal quantum computers, a form called adiabatic, quantum computing. 670 01:02:28.260 --> 01:02:34.469 In fact, adiabatic quantum computing is a specific form of quantum annealing. 671 01:02:34.469 --> 01:02:38.730 Which also worked on the process of energy minimization. 672 01:02:38.730 --> 01:02:44.909 So, it's just to say that quantum annealing and universe called computers are completely separate entities. There is a. 673 01:02:44.909 --> 01:02:48.539 A link between, so. 674 01:02:48.539 --> 01:02:52.199 There are described quantum and healing and. 675 01:02:52.199 --> 01:02:56.760 The kind of things it's used for in my next video, I'm going to explain. 676 01:02:56.760 --> 01:03:04.710 Meeting works. 677 01:03:09.929 --> 01:03:19.409 Hello. 678 01:03:29.039 --> 01:03:40.230 My last video explain how relates to the other forms of. 679 01:03:40.230 --> 01:03:48.989 And also the kind of problems, continuity and so this video, I'm going to explain how the process that actually works. 680 01:03:50.309 --> 01:03:55.889 So, let's start by looking at a single cube and cube can be in a state of 0. 1. 681 01:03:55.889 --> 01:03:59.130 And these states from coated in a circulating current. 682 01:03:59.130 --> 01:04:08.699 A corresponding magnetic field, because if it's a quantum okay, you can be in a superposition of 0T state and the 1 state at the same time. 683 01:04:08.699 --> 01:04:12.360 And in the quantum healing process, what happens is. 684 01:04:12.360 --> 01:04:20.369 The goes from the superposition state into either the 0T state or the 1 state, which are classical States at the end of the end. 685 01:04:20.369 --> 01:04:24.360 The physics of this process can be shown in an energy diagram. 686 01:04:25.469 --> 01:04:36.210 To begin with, there's just 1 Valley, and the lowest point corresponds with the superposition state of the. 687 01:04:36.210 --> 01:04:41.940 Calls meetings are on a barrier is raised and this turns the energy diagram. 688 01:04:41.940 --> 01:04:52.980 Into what's known as a double well potential here the low point of the left Valley corresponds to the 0T state and the low point on the right Valley corresponds to the 1 state. 689 01:04:52.980 --> 01:05:00.719 And the Cuban will end up in 1 of these valleys at the end of the Neal. How does it decide which? 1? Well. 690 01:05:00.719 --> 01:05:06.659 Everything else being equal the probability of the cubic ending in the 0T to 1 the state is. 691 01:05:06.659 --> 01:05:10.289 Eva, it's for 50% triangle and any other state. 692 01:05:10.289 --> 01:05:16.530 And the interesting thing is, you can actually control the profitability of it falling into the 0T or 1 state. 693 01:05:16.530 --> 01:05:20.670 Which is done by applying an external magnetic field to the. 694 01:05:20.670 --> 01:05:23.969 And effectiveness is to tilt the double well potential. 695 01:05:23.969 --> 01:05:27.389 Increasing the probability of ending up in the lower. Well. 696 01:05:28.469 --> 01:05:31.769 This external magnetic field is called a bias. 697 01:05:31.769 --> 01:05:37.349 And the key was basically minimizing its energy in the presence of this external magnetic field. 698 01:05:43.885 --> 01:05:56.184 Okay, so being able to control the probability that the cube, but will fall into the 0T the 1 States is a really useful feature, but the real power of these processes comes when you start linking them together and they can start influence each other. 699 01:05:56.460 --> 01:06:04.530 This is done with a device called a capital and a couple basically defines how to influence each other. 700 01:06:11.070 --> 01:06:20.550 So, a couple can make the 2 couple Cubics 1 to end up in the same state. So that's either both 0T or both. 1. 701 01:06:20.550 --> 01:06:26.519 Conference and care, which 1 of these it is as long as the canvas end up with the same stage to each other. 702 01:06:26.519 --> 01:06:35.789 Alternatively, the coupler can make the neighboring cue that's want to be in the opposite States. So either 0, 1 or 1. 0. 703 01:06:36.960 --> 01:06:42.809 When you've got a coupling between 2 people that you're now using another phenomena in quantum physics called entanglement. 704 01:06:42.809 --> 01:06:48.119 When 2 are entangled, they now have to be considered as a single object. 705 01:06:48.119 --> 01:06:58.349 And now, which has got 4 States, so you can imagine a potential 4 States each 1 corresponding to a different combination of the 2. 706 01:06:58.349 --> 01:07:04.559 The relative energies of these states depend on the biases on each Cupid and the coupling between. 707 01:07:06.510 --> 01:07:17.909 Now, when I said that for couple wants the Cubans to be the same, or wants them to be, obviously what I really mean as the couples are making those states energetically favorable. 708 01:07:17.909 --> 01:07:25.650 So, if they're a couple of wants, the tube is to be the same. Really? What it's doing is lowering the energy of those 2 States in comparison to the other states. 709 01:07:25.650 --> 01:07:31.920 And if so, a couple of wants them to the opposite, then it's lowering the energy of those states. 710 01:07:31.920 --> 01:07:35.190 Team they can have a fire supply to it. 711 01:07:35.190 --> 01:07:42.989 Achievements can interact are the conflicts, and as a user, you can actually choose all the values for these biases and. 712 01:07:42.989 --> 01:07:46.019 Both the direction of them, and also the strength. 713 01:07:46.019 --> 01:07:55.380 This is basically hiring program. A quantum computer you choose a whole set of bias is a whole set of complains that defines an energy landscape. 714 01:07:55.380 --> 01:08:00.750 And then the quantum does content naming to solve or find the minimum energy of that. 715 01:08:03.599 --> 01:08:06.960 So, now you can start to see some of the complexity of these machines. 716 01:08:06.960 --> 01:08:12.059 A few bits I've got 4 States, I can define an energy landscape over. 717 01:08:12.059 --> 01:08:16.050 Up to 3 events, the number of States goes up to 8. 718 01:08:16.050 --> 01:08:27.810 And for each extra cube that I add, I actually double the number of states I can define this energy landscape over. So the number of States goes up exponentially with a number of few bits specifically. 719 01:08:27.810 --> 01:08:33.239 That relationship is 2 to the power of and where is the number of Cubics. 720 01:08:34.680 --> 01:08:41.609 Okay, so let me summarize what I've talked to. 721 01:08:41.609 --> 01:08:45.180 And content, meaning you start off with a large set of cube it. 722 01:08:45.180 --> 01:08:48.659 In each team is in a superposition state of 0, 1. 723 01:08:48.659 --> 01:08:58.979 And also, they're not connected yet, then they undergo the continent healing whether, and the biases get introduced and the cube is all become untangled. 724 01:08:58.979 --> 01:09:05.760 This large quantum object then changes the probability that each cube it will end up in the 0, 1 state. 725 01:09:05.760 --> 01:09:11.789 And then finally, at the end of the mail, each cube it ends up is either 0T or 1. 726 01:09:11.789 --> 01:09:17.250 Was final state is the minimum energy state of your problem, or 1 very close to it. 727 01:09:17.250 --> 01:09:21.149 And all of this happens in our chips and around 20 Micro. 728 01:09:31.800 --> 01:09:38.550 Okay. 729 01:09:38.550 --> 01:09:48.869 Still here, so that was a nice introduction to D wave and then we'll see a longer video part of all of it next time and feel free to watch ahead of me. 730 01:09:50.274 --> 01:10:05.185 You can watch this on the weekend if you'd like, and even they create yourself an account on the D wave as you're to start playing with it. If you want stuff written down, you can look at these slides here there in greater depth than the videos. So far. 731 01:10:05.460 --> 01:10:10.920 And also freedom to read ahead if you would like, it's not required, but you're certainly welcome to. 732 01:10:10.920 --> 01:10:18.449 Okay, so that's the material for today. We sell some IBM hardware. We saw some artificial Adams and so on introduction. 733 01:10:18.449 --> 01:10:30.989 To D, wave so mentioned to tech academy and so on. So have a good weekend and I will hang around to see if anyone has any questions. 734 01:10:30.989 --> 01:10:41.850 Other than that, look at the nice leaves. I'm looking at my window, this nice sleeves there and relax start work again in a day or 2. Thank you. 735 01:10:41.850 --> 01:10:51.090 Silence. 736 01:11:19.739 --> 01:11:23.760 No questions. Okay. Good. Bye guys.