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PROB Engineering Probability Homework 2 due Mon 2022-02-17

Submit the answers to Gradescope.

OK to work in teams of 2. Form a gradescope group and submit once for the team.


  1. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.2, page 81 of Leon-Garcia.

  2. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.4, page 81.

  3. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.6, page 82.

  4. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.21, page 84.

  5. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.25, page 84.

  6. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.35(a), page 85. Assume the "half as frequently" means that for a subinterval of length d, the probability is half as much when the subinterval is in [0,2] as when in [-1,0).

  7. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.39, page 86. Ignore any mechanical limitations of combo locks. Good RPI students should know what those limitations are.

    (Aside: A long time ago, RPI rekeyed the whole campus with a more secure lock. Shortly thereafter a memo was distributed that I would summarize as, "OK, you can, but don't you dare!")

  8. (6 pts) Do exercise 2.59, page 87. However, make it 21 students and 3 on each day of the week. Assume that there is no relation between birthday and day of the week.

  9. (6 pts) Find a current policy issue where you think that probabilities are being misused, and say why, in 100 words. Full points will be awarded for a logical argument. I don't care what the issue is, or which side you take. Try not to pick something too too inflammatory; follow the Page 1 rule that an NSF lawyer taught me when I worked there as a Program Director for a few years. (Would you be willing to see your answer on page 1 of tomorrow's paper?)

Total: 54 pts.