IED Class 27, Thurs 2017-12-07

Since everyone demo'ed last Thurs, there is nothing this Thurs.

You are free not to attend.

Casey and I will attend the start of each class to talk to anyone who wishes.

IED Class 26, Mon 2017-12-04

Since everyone demo'ed last Thurs, there is nothing today or this Thurs.

You are free not to attend.

Casey and I will attend the start of each class to talk to anyone who wishes.

IED Class 25, Thurs 2017-11-30

Because of student requests, we are changing the dates:

If you can demo in this room in 25 minutes, you may demo next Thurs.

Otherwise you may demo next Mon.

You are still welcome to demo today.

IED Class 24, Mon 2017-11-27


Project work & team consultations

General comments about Milestone 1

  1. Everything that you submit should be labeled with what it is, and the date. Including contact info like email addresses is also useful.
  2. Please include page numbers on slides and reports, so we can refer to particular pages.
  3. Try to clean up table formats; cutting and pasting from Excel looks bad. I'm not really enforcing this here, because it takes so much time. However in the real world, please spend time on that.
  4. At the least, make all the tables look the same.
  5. When including images from a paper original like a drawing, make the contrast good, so that the background is light. E.g., if photo'ing with an app like docscan, or using a scanner, use black-and-white mode if reasonable. That also makes the image file smaller, which is good.
  6. A final slide saying only, "Thank you", is pointless. It's better to recap the talk, perhaps with a selection of images from previous slides.

Thanksgiving trivia questions

  1. When the native American Squanto greeted the Pilgrims in March 1621, what language did he use?
  2. Where had he learned it?

IED Class 23, Mon 2017-11-20

  1. Here are today's files .

  2. Activity 25.

  3. Upcoming due dates.

    Thurs Nov 30


    Mon Dec 4 and Thurs Dec 7

    class attendance optional. We'll be here if you have questions.

    Mon Dec 11

    presentation. You may use whatever presentation tool you wish, if you can start it up fast, and you can make a PDF version. Send the PDF version to both of us by 10am.

    Thurs Dec 14 2359

    memo due to both of us.